Supreme Warden

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Episode 7

Given By-Eduard Metor
After all of the heroes gathered in Sky Isles gathered smith decides to go to Arizime alone to finish a mission years ago was passed Maxious takes the lead of the heroes and decides to stay in the Sky Isles until smith return
*Opens to a Scene of a Meeting Room Inside a Palace which is the same recreated palace after the Hypno War*
3 Wardens was sitting there while Eduard Metor-(The 4th Elite Leader)was Waiting for someone while walking around then Smith Walked in
Eduard:Good You can all make it
Bruce:What's this about Your Highness
Eduard:Smith Sit down too
*Smith Sat down with the Three*
Eduard:I need two people of you four to Go to the Roa to fix something
Parzel:About what?
Eduard Stood up and took a back Look then spoke
Eduard:After the War The Four of us Seperated since our union is broken with the death of me years ago Supreme Warden is devastated while Ferum and Moriannia remained in Glistine..I need someone to convince Jim that I'm alive again because we need our union to be united again
Eduard:All of them thought I died in the war But you all know I Faked my Death to avoid many more casualties
Minous:And what you want us to do (Emotionless Look)
Eduard:Since im here it's time To Unite the Four of us The First one Is Jim since he's my closest friend but reasoning with him is a little bit complicated since he mourned to me the past 10 Years...So I'm tasking you Smith and Bruce to go there and reason with him
Smith:I thought you said it will have Complications
Eduard:Yes that's the Problem but if things get a Little bit too much well help you
Eduard: Minous and Parzel your in charge by the way in the Palace first I'm going to reason with Morianna and Ferum
Smith:Alright bruce let's go!
A portal appeared down the castle interior and Smith and Bruce traveled and walked towards it the two walked in towards and appeared in another place  Some guards quickly took The two and welcomed them as a woman greeted them
Rhea:Welcome to the Realm of Wardens how can we help you
Smith*a little bit shy*:Were here to see Supreme Warden??..
Rhea:Follow me
*Rhea walked along with the others and Smith and Bruce followed as they are in the Hall way and the others are in front Bruce talked to Smith*
Bruce:Hey Smith Quit Starring at Her!
Bruce:You like her don't you?
Smith:Whaat?(Nervous)No I just saw her a Few minutes ago besides I'm confused on how she acts she acts like a robot
Bruce:Yes you like her(Laughing)
Bruce:Anything else you find odd about her and the guards
Smith:Can you not see they're still as heck and they don't show emotion
Bruce:*WHISPERS*the other guards are pale and she inst moving like a normal person
Smith:Yeahhh it's a bit concerning and it's freaking me out
Bruce:I'm telling you something isn't right man But let's focus in the mission now
Smith:Alright let's just be cautious
Rhea: We're here If you need anything just call me
*Rhea Teleported In the Side of Supreme Warden*
Smith:(Creeped) I do not act like that as a right hand
Bruce:I told ya
Note;Supreme warden-( S.W ) for Short
Supreme Warden:What brings you two visitors here(Sad)
Smith walked in forward
Smith:Because of Your old friend Eduard
*Supreme Warden looks Suprised and Stood up his chair*
Supreme Warden:And why exactly?(Annoyed Expression)
Bruce:He wants to talk to you and reunite the other elite leaders
Supreme Warden:Well you wanna know Something......He's Dead ten years ago and I was there in his GRAVE! Then you're telling me that's he is talking to me do you have no respect for the DEAD?!!
Smith:No we're telling the truth!(Smith desperately tries to explain)
Supreme Warden:You two for my Opinion are spies He is dead
Supreme Warden:However I could certainly use some assistance here besides Rhea(Menacing Look)
Supreme Warden Stood up Ang fired a dashing wind Blade among the two Smith and Bruce dodged
Supreme Warden:GET THEM they'll be soon my Servants
Bruce:Okay time to run!
*Smith and Bruce ran out of the Palace while being chased by guards*
Smith grabbed his calling device and called Eduard Metor
Eduard:HEY SMITH!How's the mission
Smith:AHHHHHHH! we need you Master here NOW!(While running)
*Eduard dropped the call and Called Parzel and Minous*
Eduard:Here we go again grab your things were helping them
*Opens to a Scene in the other palace the two was hiding in a concrete pillar*
Bruce:Come out and battle us you supreme punks!
*S.W heard this and Released he's Sword and Destroyed the pillar by a hit*
Smith and Bruce ran towards the end of the hallway then Rhea appeared
Rhea: We're do you think you two are going?
Smith:Bruce I don't wanna fight her! Bruce I need help
Bruce:Well we have to or were gonna die there's gun shots everywhere and they are chasing usss
Supreme Warden fired a Blue Beam of light to the two of them
Smith Released his Elemental ward which is yellow barrier
But Rhea creeped Smith and the ward lose control and Smith was hit knocking him out cold awaking with glowing eyes in a second
Bruce:Ohh come on not you too(really annoyed and worried expression)
Supreme Warden:You're next bruce!(Menacing)
Bruce:Ughhhh ohh *Bruce shields himself with his arms
Maxious:Are you sure about that?
Supreme Warden looks up and Maxious punches him in the face

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