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Episode 14

Opens to a Scene of Edimon and anslem resting as the sun is setting near a Sea Shore in Arizime Docks
Edimon:So Anslem what is your back story
Anslem: Nothing much just from my home living a normal life YOU?
Edimon:I dunno what to do really in this time
Anslem:Yeah it's kinda boring lately
Edimon:Hey what if we....
*PINK FLASH in the Sky*
Edimon:What was that????(Suprised)
Anslem:Ughhmm what are those IN THE SKY?? And in the SEAA?
Edimon and Anslem looks up in the sky and sea and saw a Squadron of Spaceships
Anslem:We Should regroup with the others
Edimon:Fine by me let's go!!!
Cuts to a Scene of Smith Maxious and Amelia at the Base
Edimon:Umm uncle Smith what are those
Smith:Not good Spaceship Destroyers
Anslem:The Chrysolline is here?
*Luke walks toward Smith in a hurry*
Luke:There are Destroyers and I'm afraid they tracked our location they aren't after Arizime they are after usssss??!!!(panic)
Edimon:What does this mean for us and why are they coming for us???
Smith:Maxious is been hitting the Chrysolline and Void portals that appeared with his sword and fist all day trying to break it
*Shows to a Scene of Maxious Punching down a giant portal desperately*
Smith:Hey Luke where are you going?
Luke:They have Destroyers and Spaceships and we're gonna help you Smith
Luke::Don't worry buy me some time I'll get the Resistance Ready!!..
*Luke runs and leaves through a portal*
Amelia:Well it's head on then
Smith:Yes I guessss
Edimon:Don't worry we'll fight with you
Smith:You two need to get away from here Immediately
Anslem: We're not leaving all of you here
Smith:It's different now GO! We do not want to put you in danger!!
*Edimon and Anslem had no choice but to leave to avoid further tragedy*(looks sad)
After the two leaves Merost uses a his bow and together with the Tesla Towers Tron installed fires a Barrage at a ship successfully destroying 3 of them
Flyn:Well 3 down 7 more Bush are you ready??
Bush the Dragon smiles and goes into attack position
Maxious:I wasn't Preparing for this!!
The Destroyers lands and the Portals Activates but when the Spaceship lands someone walks
Tetrio:Hello Arizime  have you missed me!! It's been a decadeee!!
*Everyone Draws their weapon from the Chrysolline*
Smith:You need to leave this place go back to Citadel Tetrio the war is over and you lost...(grins angrily)
Edz:We like it here better..(teasing)
Ren walks in to the side of Tetrio and Edz
Ren:After a Decade you still won't give up will you Smith look at you all pathetic I have so much respect for you in the war but you came to confront me again after 10 YEARS and YOU ARE SO WEAK!!
*Ren Dashes toward Smith but Maxious dashes as well and both released a fist and Made a powerful shockwave then Arizime forces Started Charging and shooting at The Chrysolline Army coming down in the destroyers
The Void Portal blazes and the Void Units charge toward the Arizime Forces and fighting broke out
Maxious and Ren did a Quick punching match by barrage of punches at each other showing each of their strength but Ren manages to gain the upper hand and land a few blows at Maxious' face Ships from the Sky start blasting at the ground forces
Smith confront Edz once again by using his staff against her staff too  Tetrio went back to main ship and  watched as an explosion appears in the fighting forces
Tetrio: Beautiful (sheds a tear)
Smith got caught up with phanthom too and duels both Edz and Phanthom but Smith was surrounded but Smith drew his a sword in the ground and gets a Red staff as he's staff appeared he's sword glowed and releases a powerful blow  Phanthom and Edz teleports toward smith and the rest fought Smith was able to make quick manuvers using he's ability But was commonly getting injured and tired
TetrioThis is getting boring FIRE AT THEM RHODIUM BLASTERS
*The Spaceships used an Energy Beams and Fired at the battle but the Blast dindt reach the ground instead it was levitated*
Trevor:Your Welcome..
Righly:Trevor hold the beam I'm gonna zap it out
Righly releases a electric zap and it countered the ship beam
Smith is thrown back by phanthom but someone teleports In front of him with a big sword and knocks back phanthom
Obi:Ohhh bring it Void!!(Grin Expression)
*The Void Emperor Draws his battle Axe and Dominus releases his reaper and an intense battle between two dimension leaders broke place*
*Meanwhile in the Chrysolline Main Ship*
Chrysolline Pilot:We have incoming fleets?!!!
*Dozens of Spaceships Appears and a Small Squadron fighters comes*
Luke:All units follow me we need to take down all of these destroyers
Gauntlet: FIGHTERS! Take down the Resistance(said angrily)
Admiral Quarch :Other units reinforce Arizime
*Several Ships appear at the Field of battle*
Luke:Target Locked
Luke fires a torpedo at a enemy ship and it exploded
Zep:Behind you Luke!!
Luke manuvers by the ship and shoots it disintegrating it to pieces
Ren knocks down Maxious by a powerful blow at his face and creates a knockdown
Amelia:Ohh no you don't
Ren:Come here pretty girl..!
*Ren uses his magic and knocks out Amelia too*
Smith arrives to where he's brother and sister is Knocked out
Ren:Ahh poor Smith after all this time you still couldn't admit that the war is lost on your side  look at this place so many lives gone and what you fought for is lost and now it's all gone
*Phanthom stabs Smith and fells down Unconcious in the ground as the scene turns black*

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