Flashback of the Hypno War

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Episode 1

Opens to a Scene of the sky and directly to the main city of Arizime where people are doing there daily things .Currently working and walking towards the road and Smith is sitting in a sideslab on a destroyed rock while reading spells then Maxious walked towards him and asked

Maxious:Hey Brother you doing fine?

Smith:I'm just here reading..Hhrmhh ,Settling down for a while after what just happened many years ago.

Maxious:You still can't over the war huh?

Smith:It's still in my memory till now which can never be forgotten it is engraved in my memory

Maxious:You compare the war To the First War it's different.you Said you wanted freedom for the people of Arizime

Smith:You don't know what was the current situation in your home while you're out FINDING treasure in the forest Isn't that Right?(Smiling and Teasing)

Maxious:It's not like I just wanted to do something else for a while I haven't eaten much since i left so I'm finding relics to sell and to buy food

Smith:Yeah many risked their lives In the Hypno War

Maxious Sits down beside Smith*

Maxious:You Still Remember it correctly?

Smith:Yes and I'm still sad for Obi.(feeling down)

Maxious:Lay down the story Mister Rebellion Leader

Smith:Fine atleast it will remind us the hard Times we passed

*Smith closes his book and the scene moves towards the sky And it turns to night and the sky turns red And says 10 Years ago and the scene moves down And title Hypno War In the ground where armies are fighting people who stood for freedom of Arizime and then scene opens to the Sky Isles

Younger Smith:Brother I'll hold the portal buy me time

YoungerMaxious:Well deal with this Stone Guardian Obi Let's do this

Obi:Right behind you(Determined)

*Smith ran with his saber in desperation while fighting the hordes of enemy lines*

Obi and Maxious Got their Swords and started to attack the stone Guardian

*Obi Jumped in the back of The Guardian and a Duplex Spear was released by the Guardian and Maxious began to hit the Giant simultaneously  Cuts back to the Lower Ground where the war was mostly occurring*

Shock:FOR SCIENCE *throws Plasma Grenade*to the Platoon

Shock:Just get back there I don't wanna fight no one(Shouting)

Meric:Stop fooling Shock Let's drive them away to the ground keep them away from the frontlines as far as possible


*Frost with the other archers makes heavy rain out of arrows

Wizzar:Why are you weak soldiers not defending Kill that Ice archer NOW(shouting)

*A Catapult Launches towards where Frost was Shooting

Meric:DUCK *Meric jumped and catched Frost*


Then GunShots Occurs

*Luke shoots an enemy and grabs a machete chops the other one and dodges the spear attack of the Chrysolline Army and shoots it in the head

Edz faces against Cossack and draws a sword the rebel general engages Edz and fights into the battle field but Edz empowers Cossack and gets stabbed

Cossack*Death Noises*

Cuts back into the Sky Arena

Maxious and Obi are really fighting the Giant Stone Guardian with Heavy Attacks but the giant hits Maxious like a Ball from a baseball bat and get thrown Obi is left to fight The guardian the Guardian and obi duels as they move through the podiums and smashed the rest of the structures then everyone stops as the leader of Arizime dies which is Eduard Metor and fells down everyone sees this as he is sliced in half everyone looks at the scene, Maxious was still regaining from his fall then the Guardian used this chance as obi is distracted and hurts obi in the head And spears him


Sad Music Plays as Obi fell into the ground bleeding

Maxious:*ANGRY FACE*

Maxious jumps off from the ground and releases his sword and duels the Guardian Maxious attacks the Guardian with unusual speed and breaks the Duplex Spear of the giant and eventually uses his Pheumo fist to punch the head so hard of the Stone giant and it decipates

Maxious after killing the giant goes to obi's body and Hits the ground with his fist and burst to tears Then he is assisted with Smith by helping him get off the ground..Then a large beam of light a Cemestrial Comet appears in the sky and the last thing to be seem is the a large yellow dome and The scene turns white followed by a large explosion and a mushroom like cloud

*Smith pauses story and feels sad*

Maxious:Hey it's ok brother(comforting)

Smith:I feel bad for everyone that have died there in the war(downed)

Maxious:I mourned them too but it's time to move on*Comforting*

Smith:*Relieved* I guess..

Smith:Its time to move on tommorow l'll start a new Journey

Maxious:A New Beggining

Smith:A New End

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