Unifying Lies 12

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After getting back to the manor Marinette said a small 'thank you' and headed back to her room with Nino behind her saying that he will talk to her the rest just go to the kitchen where Alfred had already served drinks and sandwiches. Everyone ate silently when all of a sudden soft footsteps interrupted the silence Mari and Nino came in and sat down Nino sat beside Jason and Mari besides Damian. They all ate in silence until a phone notification overcame the silence they all check their phones small 'not me' or 'nope' were heard around until Mari and Nino got up saying that there was an akuma in Paris the faces that one minute ago showed pain, exhaustion, fear were now replaced with trained faces, one of many straight faces Damian knew from the league of assassins. They all volunteered but the Parisian heroes chose Jason since he was the one with the calm expression out of everyone but told them they could watch it on their phones and with that, they set off. Jason got suited up while Nino and Mari transformed the others had already gotten to Paris (just imagine that with Mari passing a bit of her power to one of them they could use Kalki :)



An akuma that went by the name of "Icysword" had gotten the last place in a skating competition and wanted revenge. His powers were to freeze someone in their own mind while freezing the person's body. Once they got into place with their powers activated the plan was for Viperion to hide in one of the nearby buildings while Queen Bee had to hit the akuma with her venom and carapace was the shield-like always while Redhood and Ladybug went for the akumatized object with was in the sword handle that had some sort of charm near the blade. And with that, they set the plan into action.



We had all gathered in the living room as we saw the live coverage by Paris's news channel. By the shot's the camera took it was a man with a frozen like theme he had a pair of white skates with blue laces and armor of some sort in white and light blue the blade was a dark purple with a charm with what Marinette had told us was the 'akumatized' object' a mask of some sort appeared on the mans face and a sinister smirk appeared on his face. He took his sword and slashed it in the direction of the Eiffel Tower cutting it in half due to the force a teal shape which we now know as Viperion fell to the ground, a yellow and black-figure or Queen Bee ran towards the direction of Viperion and picked him up and headed away from the scene probably to fix his wounds. That only left Ladybug Carapace and Redhood out of the three expressions Ladybugs was the scariest out of them she took a step forward while an object fell in her hand from the sky with polka-dots, she leaped forward with Carapce and Redhood behind her she halted while Carapace came in front of her and a shield surrounded all three of them they talked for a second before nodding and Redhood took the object with could now be seen as a rope and tied it with a loop in the end and swung it like a cowboy just as he was going to swing it a swarm of butterflies in a cluster came and dispersed and showed a man in a dark purple suit of sorts and a hood similar to Red hood and only showed his mouth he mouthed some words that could not be heard from the helicopter from what could be seen the helicopter got closer to hear the last thing heard from the man (hawkmoth) "You will lose Ladybug I will make sure of that" he finished with a creepy smirk, Ladybug took a step forward with a look that could make someone cower you could even see that Hawmoth was scared but hid it with a straight face. I looked around the room to see Dick with a scowl and knuckle white from gripping the armrest while Tim had abandoned hi cup of coffee and leaning in his seat with open eyes while Damian whom I expected the least of emotion was glaring at his phone where he decided to watch it better than the tv Alfred had a worried look from the living room entrance. Turning back my focus to the tv Ladybug had wings and flying a couple of heads away from Hawkmoth still a deadly glare she took a deep breath as Carapce and Redhood stared at her. She started talking with a deadly tome her eyes darkened from the soft blue to the dangerous blue.

"Hawkmoth this isn't the first time we meet I remember the last time you said that you would succeed and look at you my team still defeats you. It has been four years since you came and ruined many lives and taken many more. I don't know the reason behind this but the day I find out who you are and why I will end you on behave of Paris and everyone watching or who has been hurt in so many ways possible, you will do you hear me will receive what you deserve. You will rot with the memories of those you have hurt myself included. This is a promise"


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