Pinky Promise Part 17

Start from the beginning

Rolling back to her stomach she watched him cross the room in the moonlight before coming back to bed.  Pulling her close Beth laid her head on his shoulder curling her arm around him, "Love ya," she murmured against his neck before dropping off to sleep.

Knowing she was asleep Daryl pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Love ya too," he whispered in the dark.

Closing and latching the trailer Daryl walked around to the front of the truck where Beth stood looking up at her childhood home.  Slipping his arm around her he asked if she was okay.  Sighing she bit her lip, "Just sad wishing we could build walls around it and stay here," she told him sadly.

"Bring ya back anytime ya want," he promised kissing her temple.  Turning into his arms she hugged him fully, "I appreciate that," she told him before pulling away to climb into the truck.

"How long ya think it's gonna take to get back?" she questioned when he got behind the wheel.  "Ain't going back the way Rick wanted me to; going back the way we came.  Don't want to take any chances with the trailer goin a way we don't know.  We don't run into trouble I'd say about two hours," he told her as they drove back down the lane towards the highway.

As they drove Beth watched the house get smaller in her side mirror till she lost sight of it all together.  Knowing there was no sense in trying to look out the back window as the backseat of the truck was packed full to the ceiling with things they scavenged from the house she took Daryl's hand and kept her eyes forward.

She had spent the day before going through every inch of the house from the attic to the basement while Daryl had gone through the one remaining barn and the outer sheds.  Mid day she had needed a break after searching through her mama's things and had stepped outside for a breath of air.

She had wandered towards the garden and had been pleasantly surprised when amongst the weeds she could make out her mama's vegetables growing in the spring air.  Upon Beth's suggestion Daryl had built several boxes for her that she filled with dirt and just his morning before they left she had transferred as many of the vegetables as she could.

The boxes were presently shoved in the bed of the truck up against the cab.  She hoped her daddy would be able to replant and make them grow.

The drive back was running smooth till they were about an hour from the prison.  Really they should've known their luck was too good to be true.  Sitting up Beth squinted out the window, "Daryl."

"I see em," he responded, "Ain't no where to turn off this road," he grumbled, stopping the truck.

Wide eyed Beth looked from the horde of walkers to him, "What do you want to do?" she asked.  "Get two of the blankets out," he told her as he put the windows up leaving them open a few inches before opening the door, "Stay here," he instructed, leaving the door open.

Kneeling on the seat she yanked two blankets out from the pile in the backseat just as she heard something hit the truck.  Yelping she turned quickly to see Daryl hefting another dead walker across the hood of the truck.

Coming around to the open driver side door he told her to get down on the floor under the wheel, "You're smaller I ain't gonna fit there," he explained before closing the door.  Before ducking under the wheel she saw him haul another dead walker towards the truck.

Once he was done attempting to use the dead walkers to keep the live ones from finding them he climbed in the passenger side shutting and locking the doors.  Keeping his crossbow on the seat he wedged himself onto the floor.

"Once they get here keep yourself under the blanket," he told her.

Nodding Beth undid her blanket and waited.  It took probably close to twenty minutes before they could hear the walkers snarling.  Disappearing under the blanket she hoped and prayed for the horde to bypass them quickly.

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