"This is real life."

18 1 35

(A/N: tw for homophobia and generally just, sad. fuckin sad. so fuckin sad. i'm in a mood teehee. also you might wanna listen to sad music while reading this one. might i recommend any of the songs from your city gave me asthma? it'll make the reading experience more enjoyable.)

Dave kept walking.

And walking.

Until he started running.

He ran until he couldn't feel his legs anymore, and until tears started streaming down his face. He ran out of breath and stopped running. He turned the volume on his iPod all the way up as he realized what song was playing.

It was the one that reminded him of John.

"Fuck." He muttered out as he fell to the ground, putting his hands over his eyes. Why did I do that? Was all he could think. He was told it was wrong to be gay, but was it? Thinking like that had cost him loosing his best friend.

And here he was feeling sorry for himself.

He had just lost his best friend because he was too scared to admit he liked him. Hell, John probably wouldn't even have been mad at him. He was John for god's sake. He started crying again before reality set in. He was in the middle of the fucking forest.

He had no way of getting home now that Ene was gone and his phone was going to die soon. He pulled it out of his pocket and his hand shaked as he dared to try and text John.

You: i'm sorry. i need a ride home


He knew he didn't deserve acceptance, but still hoped it would come. But that only happens in the movies, this is real life.

egbert👾💕: fuck off.

I deserve that. He thought. It was starting to snow and all Dave could do was nestle into his coat, hoping someone would come.

In a car somewhere:

Ene is pissed.

"I can't believe he fucking said that! I know he's casually homophobic or whatever but you're his best friend! Im gonna tear that fucker to shreds when I see him I swear to gOD-" "ENE!"

John interrupted his very angry friend. "He texted me." He said nervously. "What'd he say?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the road. "He said he's sorry and he needs a ride home." "Pfft. Yeah right." She responded apathetically.

"But E! It's really cold out and he could get pneumonia or something!" He whined. Ene paused for a moment before mumbling lyrics to a song under her breath. "let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die-" "ENE!" She chuckled, thinking John was just mad she was quoting the Lorax in 2021.

That's when she noticed the person in the road.

She slammed on the breaks immediately and they both got out of the car. "OH MY GOD WE'RE SO SORRY! ARE YOU O-" John began, beginning to help the person up, until he realized who it was.


"J-J-John?" He shivered, holding his jacket close to him. He was still crying, but now it was more from pain. Dirk's orange van had run over the entire lower half of Dave's body. It was obviously broken and was bleeding. John gasped, feeling as though this was his fault.

"Come on, we're getting you to a hospital." John lifted up Dave and carried him in his arms. He may look like he can't open a water bottle, but he was actually really strong.

He lifted his best friend into the backseat of the car with him, and Ene started driving them to the hospital. "I-I-I'm sorry, Egbert." Dave said, looking up at his best friend. "It's okay, Davey. I know you are. I-It's okay." He stammered out as he started crying.

"How much longer till we get to the hospital, E?" John asked nervously. "30 minutes, Vris basically lives in the middle of nowhere." She responded. "30 MINUTES?? HIS LEGS ARE GONNA BLEED OUT BY THEN!" He yelled. "It's okay, John. It's okay." Dave put a comforting hand on his best friends face. "NO IT'S NOT!" He screamed while crying. "It's not.." He muttered as he dug his face into Dave's chest.

Ene looked at them from the car mirror, she couldn't bare seeing the boy who was basically her little brother like this. She was gonna make sure that Dave lived and those two got married and lived happily ever after.

"ROAD SAFETY LAWS, PREPARED TO BE IGNORED!" Ene screamed as she went full-force on the gas. John screamed, Dave screamed, Ene screamed.

Everybody screamed

(For ice-cream)

TNT: Trauma, Nutting, Tears (kagestuck)Where stories live. Discover now