Party like its the first time....literally!

Start from the beginning

"You right there Dumbo?" I chuckled taking in his expression.

"Um yeah I guess." He replied back dazed.

Something in me didn't feel quite right though, I was a bit irked at what I saw. There was no use to the feeling so I shrugged it off and paid my attention back to the game. The bottle landed on a guy and he chose truth.

We continued playing for another 10 minutes until the bottle landed on me. I looked up and saw the girl who got the first dare, stare at me.

"Well what is?" she asked irritated at me for some reason.

"Um truth" I said not really wanting to do a dare. She rolled her eyes obviously bugged that I chose that and then spoke straight away.

"Ok truth. Tell us who you are and what you're doing here because I've never seen you before?" Her voice had a hint of bitchy-ness and curiousness in it. I didn't expect something like that but then again I was expecting it to be pretty hard to question.

Chuckling I replied, "I'm Ben's sister and I'm here cause I want to be". I met her glare and watched as something flashed in her eyes. Recognition? She looked over at Ben and then back to me.

Her mouthed formed an "o" expression and then she talked "Oh, so wait. Your Raychel?" She asked confused. I nodded not really sure on what to expect.

"Hmm well welcome back then," she said.

"Thanks?" I replied more confused and then spun the bottle.

I watched in anticipation as the bottle slowed and slowed landing on the person to my right.

Will. This was pretty cliche, wasn't it? Of course, it had to happen to land on him. My eyes wide in a stare as I asked him truth or dare.

He thought for a minute then chose to dare. I thought of something to dare him with when Ben stepped in.

"I've got one, Will I dare you to do 7 minutes of heaven," Ben said with a smirk. I wouldn't have even thought about something like that.

He shrugged "Sure who with?"

I had an idea standing up from the circle i walked to a set of kitch drawers, "How about we all put our name in here" I said grabbing  some paper and a pen. Leaning up to a cupboard just above me I grabbed a bowl. I walked back and we all wrote our name on a piece of torn up paper. "Now Will, You pull a name out and that's your person" I said simply handing him the bowl and he pulled a piece of paper out. Standing up he dropped the paper in my lap and stalked off to the kitchen walk-in pantry. Everyone leaned in waited for me to read out the name. I looked down and read it.


I felt butterflies in my tummy and suddenly I didn't want to be here.

"Well, who is it?" the girl next to me asked getting impatient.

"Umm, me" I said in a hoarse whisper.

"What? You, yeah right, like he would want to be with you." She snorted with a chuckle.

I had enough of this chick. "Well guess what sweetheart he didn't object" I stood up and left her sitting there with her mouth open. I was getting annoyed about being judged straight away. I knew I was new to these girls but that doesn't mean that they couldn't be nice. I wasn't in any way trying to step on their toes, join their group. I was just there with my brother and my neighbour experiencing something new. With every step I took towards the pantry, my heart beat faster than normal.

"Raych, you don't have to do this" I heard Ben say as I walked past him.

"Nah it's cool, I got it" I replied plastering on a smile.

I was going to experience my first 7 minutes of heaven and I had no idea what was going to happen. I couldn't very well back out. I needed to be seen as someone who doesn't back down from the challenge. I was someone who belonged here with the other teenagers. I wanted them to see it is something I've done before. Something that was normal for me. I reached the pantry and pushed the door open. I stepped in and closed the door. Blackness engulfed me and I was listening to the loud beating of my own heart and the breath of myself mixed in with Will's.

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