Pinky Promise Part 15

Começar do início

Up the street Andrea led the group into what looked like a large restaurant, "Down here," Daryl told her heading down a side street, "They have a graveyard."

Seeing the fresh dirt mound Beth dug in her bag pulling out the flower wreath she had made the day before. Bending she placed it on top of the mound before stepping back, "We should have a memorial. For everyone. Lori, T-Dogg, Milton, my mama, Shawn, Otis, Patricia, Jimmy, everyone we've lost," she said turning to look at Daryl.

Hugging her he kissed her neck, "You're too damn good for this world," he told her quietly. Smiling she tucked herself under his arm as they headed back to where the others were eating lunch.

Walking in with Daryl's arm still around her they were greeted by Merle, "You two run off for a quickie?" he asked loudly.

As Daryl told his brother to shut up Beth laughed, "Jealousy doesn't look good on you Merle," she taunted before pulling Daryl towards the kitchen area to get food. "Why do you encourage him?" he huffed, handing her a plate. Shrugging she told him it was entertaining.

After they got their food Beth took both plates, "I'll take these. You grab drinks," she said before heading to where the others sat. Upon walking up to the table she sat down across from Sasha and Carol.

"Where did the two of you actually go?" Carol asked.

"He showed me where Milton was buried. I made that flower wreath for him," she reminded her. "Beth, that was so kind of you," Andrea said from down the table where she sat with Rick and two other men looking at Rick's map.

Nodding Beth smiled at her before thanking Daryl for the bottle of water he handed to her before sitting down next to her. "Welcome," he responded, kissing the side of her head before digging into his food.

As they ate Beth was so engrossed in her food she almost missed what Sasha whispered to Carol, "Is that the baby's father?" Seeing Carol's confusion Beth looked at Sasha, "What are you talking about?" she asked noticing how Sasha was looking at Daryl.

Clearing her throat Sasha looked between Beth and Daryl, "The baby at the prison. Is he the father?" she asked, indicating Daryl who had looked up from his plate.

Smiling Beth shook her head, "No, the baby isn't ours, she's Ricks. His wife passed while having her," she explained. "Oh, I'm sorry. You were caring for her, I just assumed," Sasha apologized.

Hearing the conversation Rick smiled down the table, "Honestly Beth and Daryl take care of her the most they may as well be," he joked. Smiling Beth looked at Carol, "Carol helps too. It's a group effort," she said.

Snorting Merle glanced over at her, "Please that girl's gonna be callin you mama before anyone else," he declared.

Blinking Beth bit her lip as she smiled sadly. Sighing, she picked her bottle of water up and drank as Daryl turned his chair towards her. Waiting till she put the bottle down he scooted closer to her before whispering in her ear, "It's okay if she does," he told her.

Looking at him she smiled as she kissed him, "Why do you always know what I'm thinking?" she questioned. Shrugging he grinned at her, "Too many months out in the woods together," he muttered.

Laughing she rolled her eyes. "Dear Lord Baby Brother can't you two get a room?" Merle huffed.

While everyone laughed when Daryl flipped his brother off Beth noticed Sasha watched them with a look of mild disgust before sharing a look with her brother. "Sasha, I'd love to see more of the town before we go. Would you mind giving me a tour?" Beth asked, smiling.

Glancing at her brother again Sasha nodded slowly, "Sure, I'll show you around."

Standing she brushed her hand up Daryl's arm as he looked up at her, "I'll find ya," he told her as she nodded.

Pinky PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora