Chapter Nineteen: War

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Back at the dorms

Sero: Look it's a live broadcast from downtown!

Mina: Turn the volume up!

Reporter: All Might has arrived in the scene to confront All for One and- wait his successor has arrived! The heroes Lemillion and Madara!

Momo: Izuku?!

Uraraka: Is he seriously gonna be facing All for One and Shigaraki? They could die!

Bakugo: No he won't! Deku's strong and capable of beating even the strongest villain!

Shoto: Plus i'm sure he's doing this to protect us.

Momo: Izuku please come back to us alive...

Touya: I'm sure he'll be okay Yaoyorozu.

With All might and All for One

All Might, Deku, and Mirio: We will beat you!

All for One: Is that so?! Hah! *Snaps his fingers and hundreds of portals appear behind him*

An army of villains come out of the portal

All for One: The three of you can't defeat two All for Ones and an army!

Deku: An army? Well this ought to be fun don't you think?

All for One: Indeed. Let's start shall we?

All Might: This is bad. We can't beat a whole army let alone him and Shigaraki.

Deku: All Might, Mirio, You handle All for one and Shigaraki. I'll take care of the army.

Mirio: What?! Are you crazy?! You can't beat all of them alone!

Deku: Heh. Don't worry about me. *Activates the sharingan* I'm strong remember?

Mirio: Fine. C'mon All Might. *Gets into fighting stance*

All Might: I leave the rest to you Young Midoriya. *Gets into fighting stance*

Deku: Now then. *Jumps off the building and lands on his feet on the ground* Let's dance!

Villain: Heh what's a kid gonna do to us? C'mon guys let's kill this brat!

The villains screams and runs over to deku

Deku: *Smiles and charges forward and beats several of them unconscious*

Random Villain: *Swings a sword at him*

Deku: *Breaks the sword and punches him in the face, launching him back against other villains*

Random villain: Get him!

Deku: *Keeps dodging and throwing punches and knocking villains out*

Villains: *Jumps up surrounding him, and is about to stab him*

Deku: inferno style: Honoikazuchi! *Pulls the villains close to him and covers himself in black flames, burning several villains*

Random villain: What is this kid?! We haven't even scratched him and he's beating us all!

Random villain #2: concentrate your powers and let's blast this kid!

The villains then gathered around and use their quirks together to create a strong blast and sending it to Deku

Deku: Fire style: Majestic destroyer flame! *Spews a powerful wave of fire, quickly overpowering their blast and burning the villains*

The remaining Villains all step back in fear

(IzuMomo) Deku with Uchiha powers Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя