Regulus Arcturus Black

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"You don't really talk to others, do you?"

"Not really..."

"Well just ask me a question. That's a good conversation starter."

"Okay...well..." I couldn't think of anything else so I asked the question that's been on my mind, "are you a muggle-born?"

"Does that matter?" (Y/n) asked, suspiciously.


"Yes. I am." She looked at me, waiting for my response.


"You're very kind, (y/n). But we can't talk to each other." I mumbled.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not like Sirius." I established. I then left (y/n). Again.


(Y/N)'s pov

I was walking back to my dormitory after what happened with Regulus.

'What does he mean by 'not like Sirius'? Physically or mentally. I know Sirius is far more extroverted, and Regulus is the exact opposite. Hmm...'

I was now at the portrait of Elizabeth.

"How do you do, (y/n)?"

"I'm doing good, Elizabeth. How are you?"

"Just as good. Password?"

"Marshwiggle." The painting opened and I walked inside. I looked around. No marauder in sight. I headed up to the dorm, there I only saw Lily and Marlene.

"Do you guys know anything about Regulus Black?"

"Oh! Uh...Sirius's brother?" Marlene questioned. I nodded my head, "I know that he's the seeker on the Slytherin quidditch team. I heard he's not much of a talker."

"Sev mentioned him a few times but he never got into any details."

'How interesting...'

"Why do you ask?" Marlene asked.

"Cause I met him today. We had a small talk but then he asked if I was a No-Maj-born and of course I said yes. He then told me that he 'wasn't like Sirius'. What does that mean?"

"Ohhhh. You see, the Black family is part of the Sacred 28. You know...the purebloods." Marlene began.

"I'm aware." I said.

"So you must know Sirius doesn't believe in the blood purity. Maybe Regulus does." She guessed.

"Hmm. Regulus seemed more worried than disgusted by me."

"Just stay away from him. Just to be safe." Lily commented.

"Safe? What are you saying? Regulus is dangerous?"

"You never know. I mean...he's so quiet. He must be hiding something." Lily whispered.

"Exactly. Regulus is secretive and mysterious. I'm sure there's a reason for it. But I don't think it's a bad one."

"If you say so." Marlene shrugged, "Lily, can you braid my hair?"

"Oooo yes!" A few minutes passed by, Lily was braiding Marlene's hair and I was listening to Aretha Franklin.

"Hello everyone!" Dorcas and Mary came inside the dorm room.

"Hello." Lily smiled.

"Hey." Marlene nodded, I just waved.

"(Y/n), Sirius wanted me to tell you that he wants to talk to you." Dorcas sighed as she plopped on her bed.

"Oh great." I rolled my eyes and got up. I walked down the stairs and Sirius was sitting on a couch, alone. He heard my footsteps and looked back at me.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry for earlier. I- I was being immature. Please...don't hate me."

"Hate you? I would never hate you over bubble farts." I laughed and Sirius smiled.

"Come..." He said, and patted a spot next to him. I sat down, "That boy is my-"

"Brother." I finished his sentence, "I met Regulus in the library after I left you."

"Oh- did he say anything?"

"He told me his name." I joked, but Sirius didn't laugh, "He- uh," I didn't know if I should tell Sirius what happened. I don't know if he'll get upset or not. "He asked if I was a No-Maj-born."

"What did he say?" Sirius moved a little closer, intrigued.

"Nothing bad. He just said that we couldn't talk to each other, and when I asked him why he only said that he wasn't like you."

"He's probably a blood puritist like the rest of my prideful family." Sirius muttered.


"(Y/n), please. Just try not to talk to him. It can be dangerous for you and him. Okay?"


"You promise me that you won't talk- or even look- at Regulus."

"I can't promise that." I confessed. Regulus is interesting and it's obvious that people don't know that much about him. He's mysterious and wherever there's a mystery, there's an adventure. I'm sure Regulus is not what everyone thinks he is.

"What?" Sirius furrowed his eyebrows.


'Think of something...'

"I might see Regulus in the library. I wouldn't want to break your promise." I lied and Sirius smiled.

"I'll be in my dorm." He said and walked away.


Regulus's pov

'I hope no one saw me talking to her. Was I too rude? Whatever, it's not like I'll ever talk to her again.'

One of a Kind {Regulus Black x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon