Vanessa nodded and zipped her lips. She didn't want anyone to know until they were born. She liked surprising people.

"We have. Vanessa would like to wait until they're born." Reid explained and Vanessa hummed in agreement.

Jenna pursed her lips and shook her head. "Okay. She could've told me that, but now that she's pregnant, she's picky and selective."

Vanessa wanted to disagree, but she was right. Her little twins were making her a little rude. She wanted to be nice, but her twins didn't.

The shower went on, Vanessa and Reid opened the presents and thanked everyone for coming. It was a success in more than one way.

Everyone was long gone and Jenna got Eva, Anwar, Lucas, and Reid to clean up. She would've gotten Cabbrieli to do so, but he was still talking to Davina.

Vanessa and Lailah sat and watched Cabbrieli ask Davina for her number.

It was adorable!

Davina blushed and nodded.

She wanted to hear their conversation, only because they were so cute!

Cabbrieli smiled and then they walked out of the house together.

Maybe they were going out on a date. Vanessa hoped so. Cabbrieli deserved a woman like Davina and vice versa.

"Did I just see my son make a move on that young woman?" Reid asked in a hushed tone. He hoped he did.

Vanessa nodded and clapped triumphantly. "You sure did. Maybe we'll be having another family dinner, but this time it'll end well." She hoped so.


Lailah was officially a Portalo and the daughter of Reid.

After the baby shower, Reid and Vanessa decided to get the adoption done before their babies came. It was something that Reid wanted to do before marrying Vanessa, but since they eloped that didn't happen.

"Daddy? Can we go see Cabby?" Lailah asked while snacking on some Goldfish.

Reid looked at Vanessa. "Cara, can you handle another stop?" He was always concerned about her now more than ever.

Vanessa nodded. She liked that he was careful with her, but she wasn't used to how much he cared. When she was pregnant with Lailah she did so much housework, now Reid didn't even let her cook for too long, he said too much strenuous activity wasn't good for her or the twins. He was a sweetie. The little things meant so much to her.

"Yeah, I'd like to see him anyway."

Reid turned to Lailah and smiled. "Well, angioletto, we're going to see Cabby!"

Lailah cheered and threw her Goldfish in the air. "Yay!"

Cabbrieli was working on his bakery so Reid knew exactly where to find him. His shop was located in the heart of downtown Anaheim, the perfect spot.

They made it to his shop and Reid found a spot right next to his store.

"Amore, I will get Lailah out and then help you." He told Vanessa and got Lailah out of her seat.

Lailah cupped his cheeks and stuck her tongue out. "Hi!" She giggled and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Hi, darling." He kissed her cheek and opened Vanessa's door. "I know that you want to be independent, but please let me help you." He wasn't blind to the fact that Vanessa was a little annoyed with his constant assistance, but he didn't want her to do too much.

Vanessa bit her lip to contain her smile and took his hand. "It's not that I don't like it, I do. I'm just not used to this. When I was pregnant with Lailah I did everything for myself," She explained hoping that he understood. "I appreciate everything that you do for me, Reid." She tightened her grip on his hand and got out of the car.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now