Chapter 9: Don't Leave Me...

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Tears poured down Kageyama's face as he ran to the park. His heart was shattered. It was December so he should be moving by Febuary. He paused at the benches and sat down, covering his face in his hands. 

Hinata was out of breath after Nishinoya decided they should practice in Tanaka's backyard. He looked up. The moon was up and glowing and the cold wind slipped through the bare branches of the trees. The soft patter of incoming rain could be heard. "Let's get back inside. The rain might freeze and turn to hail or snow." Tanaka said after a minute, beginning to walk in.

"I might go to bed early. I wanna be rested for practice with Kags tomorrow."  

"Lame!" Nishinoya yelled, laughing. "We'll be loud down stairs so we don't wake you then!"

Tanaka charged down stairs, Nishinoya yelling loudly as he charged after him.  

Hinata sighed and slipped into his sleeping bag Tanaka gave him. He rolled onto his side. He longed to feel Kageyama beside him. Slowly, he found himself in dreams. 





Kageyama walked to the school from the park, ice stained his face from his frozen tears. He was freezing and hungry. He noticed Hinata waiting for him by the gym with Tanaka and Nishinoya. Kageyama's heart shattered again. He couldn't bare the thought of leaving Karasuno. Leaving the team. Leaving Hinata.. "Kags!" Hinata ran up to him, his hazel eyes bright. Kageyama bit his lip. Would these few months be the last time he ever saw that warm smile. "Hinata.." He whispered, pulling him into a hug. He struggled not to break down. "H-hey! Kageyama! I can't breath!" Kageyama let go of Hinata quickly. "Sorry." He mumbled, ruffling his hair softly before walking into the open gym. 

"Kags! Set for me again?" Hinata said eagerly. Kageyama's tears slipped. These last few months would also be the last time he set for Hinata.. "Kags?" Hinata stepped forward after seeing his tears. "Hm?" Kageyama sniffed, wiping his eyes. "Are you okay?" Hinata said. stepping closer and standing on his tippy toes, wiping a slipping tear off Kageyama's cheek. "Fine.." Kageyama insisted, grabbing his wrist and squeezing it slightly. Hinata frowned before nodding. "If you insist." He pulled his hand away from Kageyama's grasp and rested it on his side. "But..yea..I'll set for you." Kageyama ruffled his hair, twirling his fingers around for a moment, enjoying the fluff. "

Uh, Kageyama-" Hinata poked his chest. "Sorry-" he said quickly, walking into the storage room to get the balls. Kageyama rolled it out and tossed a ball to Hinata. Hinata nodded and threw the ball to Kageyama after he nodded back. Hinata ran forward and leaped up. Kageyama set the ball perfectly and Hinata's hand slammed down on it. And then they hear..  "AUGH!" thud.

"Shit! Suga!" Kageyama and Hinata gasped. Hinata had accidentally spiked the ball at Suga! They both rushed towards him along with Tanaka and Nishinoya. "Suga! I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry!" Hinata practically in tears, told Suga. "You're fine..Hinata." Suga patted his shoulder in reassurance. "Suga are you okay?" Kageyama reached down to help Suga up. "I'm fine." Suga mumbled, rubbing his forehead. "Just, watch out next time okay?" Suga smiled at them and walked to the bathrooms to wash his face.  

"Kags I feel awful!" Hinata wailed. "Shh Hinata he's fine. It was just an accident. You didn't mean t- OI!" Kageyama jumped when Hinata hugged him. He didn't argue. He wrapped his arms around Hinata and rested his nose in his fluffy locks. He would miss him deeply. They stayed in each other's embrace, enjoying the moment. "Oi, love birds, continue practicing, don't stop on my being." Kageyama and Hinata slowly pulled away from each other at Suga's voice.  "Alright." They both bowed and went back to setting and spiking, throwing in some receive and blocking patterns.




Hinata charged through the hall ways towards the gym, Kageyama lagging behind slightly. They were heading to afternoon practice. Kageyama was yelling as he put on a massive burst of speed. "AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled as he tore past Hinata into the gym and slamming into Tanaka. As soon as Tanaka and Kageyama went down Hinata tripped over the bundle of limbs they made and slid into the wall. "I win!" Kageyama yelled after stumbling up and helping Tanaka. "I let you win!" Hinata protested as he stood. "Oi! Quit racing! You could of hurt someone!" Daichi yelled. "Do it after your done with practice and no one is around to get hurt by your childish antics!" He yelled again, annoyance in his voice. "Babe, take it easy." Suga whispered. "They're almost second years! They should know how to behave by now!" Daichi hissed.

Kageyama sighed as the rest of the team left. Snow was on the way. Hinata and Kageyama were left for pack up duty. Hinata charged into the gym from the lockers, changed out of his jersey into a winter jacket, scarfs and gloves. "Go change, Kags. I'll clean up some." Hinata waved him off. "Fine-" Kageyama walked into the bathrooms and stripped. He put on his boxers and put on two pairs of sweat pants, a thick winter jacket, fingerless gloves and a scarf. He walked out, seeing Hinata was halfway done with the gym. "I'll mop." Kageyama offered. "Alright." Hinata finished putting the net away and grabbed a mop himself, helping Kageyama. "Hey, Kags, can I stay the night?" Hinata asked. "I'll think about it." Kageyama promised.

"Okay!" Hinata put the mop away and as did Kageyama. "Have the key?" Kageyama asked. "Yep! I left my phone in the club room. We are gonna have to make a mini pit stop." Hinata warned as he locked up the gym. "Fine by me." Kageyama purred.

After Hinata grabbed his phone, they headed to the park since they had to pass it to get to Kageyama's. Just to buy time, Hinata decided to walk him home instead of stopping at the park as usual. "Hey..Hinata.." Kageyama started, turning to face he ginger. "Hinata I- I'm moving soon.." Kageyama told him softly, tears rimming his eyes. The wind picked up and the snow started to fall. Hinata's tears instantly fell from his eyes. Kageyama was crying too. "Kags no!" Hinata ran forward and hugged him, letting out teary sobs. Kageyama put an arm around him and covered his eyes with a hand, also crying. "Please..don't leave me.." 


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