Chapter 5: Bruises Are Just Landmarks.

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Hinata woke up on his bathroom floor, aching and bleeding. He groaned, stumbling up. He gripped onto the counter, blood dripping from his nose. He washed his face and stripped, looking at himself in the mirror. Each rib could be seen on him. His abs were still very visible, but he looked like a stick that could break at any moment. Cuts scarred his arms from last night. Blood dripped from his legs and face. Hinata shook his head, turning on the shower and walking in. He took a cold shower so the cold co numb his pain. He wished it numbed the pain on the inside of him, too.

Kageyama opened his eyes. He woke up just before his alarm blared in his ear. He huffed and reached up, slamming his hand on it. "Hinata wake- oh.." Kageyama had rolled over, staring at the empty floor. He forgot Hinata didn't stay the night. How he told him off and walked away from him. He must of gotten used to him staying over that telling him to wake up became a habit. Kageyama sighed and rolled out of bed, stumbling up. Maybe Hinata wasn't up yet. He quickly showered and got dressed, sprinting to the usual bus stop and waited for Hinata.

At around 6:30, Kageyama could see Hinata slowly walking towards him. "Oi, you look awful." Kageyama observed. Hinata was wearing an over sized hoodie and sweat pants. "Gee, thanks." Hinata grumbled, brushing past Kageyama. "Hey," Kageyama grabbed onto Hinata's arm. Hinata gasped and flinched, his legs shaking. "Oi, Boke, what's wrong?"  Kageyama said, trying not to sound so harsh. Kageyama had managed to convince himself that Hinata was afraid of him. "Nothing." Hinata muttered. "Look, Hinata, if I'm scaring you, tell me.." Kageyama's voice was oddly soft. To his surprise, Hinata began to laugh. He rested his hand on Kageyama's, causing him to blush. "It's not you, I promise." Hinata kissed his hand before walking ahead. Kageyama stared after him. He felt he shouldn't push Hinata for answers, so he didn't.

"Kags?" Hinata said after a minute. They had walked in silence all the way to the school. "Hm? What?" Kageyama looked down at Hinata. "It's cold.." Hinata had taken his hoodie off and stuffed it in his bag. "Well, put your hoodie- OI!" Kageyama gasped slightly as Hinata hugged him, head on his chest. "You're warm..." Hinata mumbled. Kageyama blushed heavily and slowly put his arms around him. Kageyama went stiff when he heard Hinata crying. "Hinata...what's the matter?" Kageyama sank down to the ground, leaning on the gym wall. He spread his legs slightly and moved Hinata in between them. He felt himself get hard at Hinata's member on his own. He ignored it and rubbed Hinata's back. Hinata had stopped crying, but he was still clinging onto Kageyama.  Kageyama bit his bottom lip and ruffled Hinata's hair. "Mind telling me what's wrong now?" Kageyama said softly. Hinata shook his head. Kageyama had finally noticed the bruises on Hinata's arms. "Oi, Hinata. How'd you get those?" Kageyama pushed Hinata off of him slightly. Hinata ignored the question, getting off Kageyama. Saying nothing, he grabbed his gym bag and slipped on his hoodie just as Suga, Tanaka and Nishinoya walked towards them. Kageyama stood up quickly. Hinata was leaning on the gym door. Kageyama looked at Hinata before bowing at Suga as he approached. 





"Hinata, nice serve!"  Tanaka yelled. Hinata nodded. He hadn't taken his hoodie off and sweat was dripping down his face.  

Hinata tossed the ball up, running forward slightly before leaping up, hitting the ball. "Chance ball!" Daichi yelled from the other side of the net. He received it nicely. "Damn it! Sorry it's short!" He called. "Don't mind! Suga, cover!" Asahi yelled. "Right!" Suga received the ball, sending it over. "Nishinoya!" Kageyama yelled, nodding at Hinata. Hinata nodded back. Nishinoya saved the ball. "Kageyama all yours!" Kageyama nodded at Hinata who zipped to one side of the net. Blockers. He zipped to the other side. Kageyama set the ball and then-  thudpatter patter patter

Kageyama went stiff and turned, Hinata was standing there, panting, legs bent and shaking. He couldn't jump... he's too tired! Kageyama realized. "Oi, Boke." Kageyama said after a minute. Daichi stepped forward. "Now, Kageya-" Kageyama cut him off. "You alright?" Hinata looked over at him in pure shock. "F-fine-" Hinata panted, struggling to stand upright. Kageyama walked towards him. Hinata flinched, closing his eyes. He opened them when Kageyama rubbed his back. "Go sit out for a while. You need rest, Hinata. It'll effect your gameplay." Kageyama muttered. Not only that but I'm worried about you.. Kageyama thought as Hinata nodded, limping towards the bench where coach Ukai was. Kageyama stared after him a moment longer before walking towards the group. "So, the King has a heart." Tsukishima snorted. "Tsukki." Yamaguchi snapped. "Tch." Tsukishima scoffed, strutting to his spot  with Yamaguchi following behind like a puppy. Kageyama rolled his eyes. "Guess human salts do exists." Kageyama said loudly to Nishinoya. Kageyama heard Tsukishima scoff with annoyance an Yamaguchi mutter something under his breath. "One more set!" Daichi called.





Kageyama walked towards the gym. It was time for late practice with the team. Hinata followed slowly behind him. "Oi, Boke, hurry up." Kageyama slowed his pace until Hinata reached his side. He looked down at Hinata. "Hinata, I can walk you home if you-" "No!" Hinata cut him off. "Tch," Kageyama rolled his eyes. If Hinata wanted to be stubborn so be it. 

"Sorry for the hold up."

"No problem. Hurry up and change you two. Same teams as this morning."

Daichi nodded at Kageyama and Hinata. As Kageyama was changing, he glared at Hinata. "Oi, try not to tire yourself too quickly. I don't want you to miss the ball because you're too tired to jump." Kageyama snorted, slipping on his shirt. Hinata just shrugged and walked out, slipping his shirt on in the process.  





"Kageyama, nice serve!" Nishinoya yelled. Kageyama nodded and tossed the ball up. He ran forward and jumped up, slamming the ball with his hand. It flew over the net. "Chance ball!" Suga yelled, receiving it. "Damn it." Kageyama hissed. "Tanaka, Hinata!" Kageyama yelled, nodding quickly. They nodded back. "Kageyama!" Nishinoya sent the ball to him. Kageyama watched as Hinata ran forward and jumped, hitting the air, blockers jumping. Just as he did so, Kageyama set the ball to Tanaka. "YEAHHH!" Tanaka yelled as his hand slammed on the ball, hitting the court on the opposing team. Hinata landed with a thud, hitting the floor with his face. "Hinata!" Yamaguchi said. Kageyama turned quickly. He shoved past the crowd and knelt beside Hinata. He was bleeding. A lot. Kageyama pulled Hinata into his arms. Blood fell from Hinata's nose, staining his jersey a lot. "Hinata! You alright?" Kageyama wiped the blood off his chin but more juts stained it afterwards. "I'm fine-" To everyone's surprise, Hinata smiled. "After all," Hinata said quietly. "Bruises are just land marks...right?"

A/N: HEY HEY HEYYYYYYYYY! Chapter 5 for ya! Enjoy my little Simps!

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