Chapter 16: I'm Coming...

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Kageyama was on the verge of going insane. It had been a year since he moved and Hinata's mother was still abusing him. He had also finally got his license, but his parents wouldn't let him go to Japan to see his friends. Damn parents. He thought angrily as he stormed out of the house. He unlocked the car and hopped in. He had a café near here which he loved to go to.  He pulled into the parking lot, stepping out of his car and walking into the café. "Ah, Kageyama, good to see you!" The lady who works at the counter, who Kageyama guess had a major crush on him, waved and smiled. "Hey, Moyra." Kageyama sat at the bar stools instead of a table. "Your usual?" She smiled at him again. "Yep." Kageyama sighed heavily. He wondered if Hinata would like this place. "Alright, here you are." She slid the iced coffee with a splash of vanilla and cold foam over to him. "It's on me." She winked as he got his wallet out. "O-oh..thanks..." Kageyama traced his fingers along the side of the cup, his mind never leaving Hinata..That ball of sunshine who had a dark side.





Hinata bounced in his seat as he waited impatiently at Suga's house for Kageyama's arival. He had texted him yesterday about how he begged his parents for permission to come to Japan and after many attempts, he managed to get a yes. The whole team was at Suga's, waiting for Kageyama. Hinata was just the most excited. Knock Knock Knock. The door! Kags! He bit his bottom lip, anxiety bubbling in his belly. "Hey." Kageyama stepped in. "Kags!" Hinata squealed and flew out of his seat. "Hinata!" Kageyama opened his arms. Hinata smiled like an idiot and leaped into his arms, hugging Kageyama, his legs wrapped around his waist and his arms around his neck. "Kags I missed you!" Hinata said as he hugged Kageyama. "I missed you more." Kageyama whispered, his arms wrapping around Hinata as he kissed his neck and cheek. He missed this little ball of sunshine.


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Kageyama set Hinata down gently. "AHEM! WE EXIST TOO!" Tanaka piped up. "Right..sorry guys. It's great to see all of you." Kageyama smiled as Hinata leaned on him. "SoOoo...You two are a thing right?" Tanaka pressed slyly. Kageyama looked down at Hinata. "Uh.." He started. "Yea." Hinata grabbed Kageyama's hand and dug his elbow in Kageyama's side as a 'just play along' type thing. Kageyama squeezed Hinata's hand. "YES I KNEW IT FINALLY!" Yachi chimed in, squealing. "Finally!" The whole team yelled. Hinata sighed and leaned on Kageyama more. "I missed you.." He said again, his breath blowing on Kageyama's shirt. "I missed you too." He turned to face Hinata. He grabbed his hands and kissed him, missing the taste of his lips. "Get a room!" Noya laughed. They pulled away, smiling at the ground in embarrassment. "Oh leave them be. It's been a year since they've kissed or hugged." Suga shooed off Tanaka and Noya. Kageyama sighed heavily before looking up. 

"Thanks, Suga." 

"Mhm! Let's head to the living room and catch up!" Suga suggested. "We'll be there in a minute, I wanna speak to Hinata about..something." Kageyama said slowly. "Alright, take your time." Everyone headed to the living room.

I'll Always Love You... [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora