Chapter 6: Pain and Heartache.

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"Bruises are just land marks...right?" Was all Hinata said before he passed out in Kageyama's arms. Kageyama bit his lip, scooping Hinata up. "I'll take him to the nurses office." Kageyama said coolly, walking slowly out of the gym. He used his jersey to wipe the blood off Hinata's face. Kageyama finally made it to the nurses office. He told the lady what happened and she told him to set him down on one of the beds. 

Hinata opened his eyes slowly. He was staring up at the ceiling. Where was he? This wasn't the gym so... He turned his head to the right to see Kageyama. He was hunched forward, his head down and his fingers intertwined. His eyes were covered by his palms. His face was wet. Was he crying? "Kageyama-" Hinata forced out. Kageyama lifted his head. "Hinata!" Kageyama stood up. "That was a nasty fall you must've took, eh?" The nurse lady said, wiping off the dry blood on Hinata's nose. "You scared the whole team have to death!" Kageyama accused. Hinata flinched. Kageyama gripped his hands to fists and sat down. "You wanna stay over tonight?" Kageyama said after a tense pause. Hinata nodded. "If that's alright.." He said slowly. Kageyama nodded. "I'll take care of him." He told the nurse. Hinata sat up and stumbled out of bed. Kageyama reached out a hand. Hinata grabbed it with a nod of thanks. "You two love birds be careful out there!" The nurse called.





"Oi, Boke!" Kageyama yelped as a pillow was thrown at his face. Hinata giggled. His mood was light again. Kageyama smirked and yeeted a pillow back at Hinata. "I can throw more pillows than you!" Hinata sneered, squealing when the pillow hit his face. "No, I can throw more than your pitiful little arms can handle!" Kageyama grabbed three more pillows and chucked them at Hinata. "You're so on!" Hinata yelled. They went back a forth, chucking pillows at each other and laughing with competitive trash talk. 

"Hah! I win!" Hinata stood on Kageyama's bed, punching the air. "That's 35 for me and 33 for you!" Hinata pointed at Kageyama who was covered by a mound of pillows. Kageyama said something, but it was muffled by the pillows on his face. Kageyama lifted himslef up, the pillows dumping on the ground. "I'll get you next time.." Kageyama spat. "Now help me clean up." Hinata squeaked and leaped from Kageyama's bed, into the mound of pillows. "Oi, Boke, stop fooling around!" Kageyama hissed, but a playful gleam was in his deep blue eyes. "Bakayama!" Hinata sneered. "OI!" Kageyama smacked Hinata with a pillow. "You clean it up then!" Kageyama spat, leaving the scene. He walked out of his room, leaving the door open. Kageyama walked down stairs and paused at the kitchen. His house was pretty big, a good sized kitchen, a massive living room, a den on the right, a half bath on the left. A coat closet near the door and a moon table leaning on the wall near the stairs. Kageyama walked to the kitchen. "Hinata! I don't feel like cooking so eat what ever you can find!" When there was no response, he walked back up stairs. His room door was shut. "Hinata?" Kageyama opened it to find a very VERY clean bedroom. "Surpise!" Hinata leaped from behind the door, smiling. "H-" Was all he could say. He looked at his made bed. Perfectly made, pillows done and neat, carpet spotless, desk tidy, closet no longer messy. Hinata must've used his speed. Kageyama blinked. "Kageyama?" Hinata poked him. "Why'd you do this?" Hinata beamed. "Bcause your my best friend!" He burshed past Kageyama and down stairs into the kitchen. "And about dinner, I'll cook." Hinata said behind his shoulder. 





Hinata followed Kageyama out the door. "I can't thank you enough for last night." Kageyama muttered. Hinata shrugged. "Hey, you can't stay with me tonight. My parents are coming home and they don't really like me having friends over." Kageyama paused when Hinata froze. "O-okay.." He sped walked towards the school. Kageyama stared after him. He was just running around my room screeching like a deranged crow as my new alarm clock...what's the sudden mood change? Kageyama thought. "Oi, Hinata, wait up!" Kageyama sped his pace into a jog, following after Hinata.

"Tanaka, nice serve!" Hinata yelled. Tanaka smiled at Hinata before serving the ball. "I got it!" Suga called, receiving the ball. "Damn it." Tanaka cursed. "Chance ball!" Nishinoya yelled. "Kageyama, all you!" Kageyama nodded slightly, getting into position to set the ball. He looked behind him. Hinata was racing towards the left. He saw Tsukishima there, ready for a block. He nodded at Tanaka who nodded back. The new quick they were working on. Hinata juked out Tsukishima. He followed Hinata, but Tanaka ran up where Hinata was and Kageyama set the ball to him. "YEAAA BOISSS!" Tanaka screeched as he slammed the ball down, leaving the opposing team staring, jaws dropped.

Thump. Hinata was on the floor, on his side. Again. "Hinata!" Kageyama rushed to him before the others crowded. Hinata was passed out. Blood was dripping from his hoodie sleeve and legs. Kageyama scooped him up and rushed him to his house. 

He set him down the the couch, taking off his hoodie. There were scars. A lot of them. A lump rose in his throat. Was Hinata... No..he couldn't be.. Kageyama shook his head and rushed into the half bath, grabbing a first aid kit and patching him up. He made sure the bleeding stopped so Hinata wouldn't know Kageyama found his scars, though he will bring it up to him later. Tears streamed down his face at the thought of Hinata...his Hinata...cutting himself. Kageyama had an identical hoodie to Hinata's. He slipped it on his carefully and carried him to his room. He set him on his bed. "Oh Hinata...please tell me it's not what I think it is.."

Hinata woke up and found himself in Kageyama's bed. Tears streamed down his face. He sniffed and looked to his right. Kageyama was laying on the floor. Crying. He was crying. 

Kageyama sniffed and looked up. "Hinata, you're awake.." Kageyama brushed his hair away from his eyes. Hinata nodded. He opened his mouth to speak. "No..don't speak.." Kageyama whispered. "Just..lay back and relax.." Hinata signed and stayed quiet, rolling on his side. His shallow breaths told Kageyama he was asleep.

What is this... He thought, gazing at the sleeping Hinata. What is this pain and heartache...?

A/N: Heyyy! Chapter 6 for ya! Hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to comment and follow! Also, check out my profile and look at my up coming stories! Don't forget to share! Lots of love from me, my little Simps!

A/N: Heyyy! Chapter 6 for ya! Hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to comment and follow! Also, check out my profile and look at my up coming stories! Don't forget to share! Lots of love from me, my little Simps!

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