"Ready?" Seulgi asks, coming to stand at our table. I notice behind her Jisoo and Lisa walking towards the door.

"Yeah, let's go," Irene says, looking at me with a small smile. I narrow my eyes at her.

I grab my bag again before standing and pushing my chair in and following her out to the car.

Before I get a chance to put my seatbelt on, the doors on either side of me in the back seat open. On one side Lisa gets into the car, on the other Jisoo.

"Move over," Jisoo says, getting me to move over to the middle seat. I notice Irene glance at me with a massive smile on her face. This is what she was planing. She got Seulgi to invite them along.

"Seat belt, pumpkin," Jisoo whispers in my ear, getting my elbow in her side. I do what she says anyway and put my seatbelt on.

"Jennie, did you bring the CD?" Irene asks as we are leaving the car park.

"No, not that CD! Anything else, I am begging you!" Seulgi begs, getting Irene and me to laugh at her. I reach for my bag, having to lean over Jisoo to get it.

"Which CD?" Lisa asks, looking at me. This close up I can honestly see how attractive she is and why Rosé likes her so much.

"The greatest road trip songs," I tell her, seeing a look of confusion come over her face.

"It doesn't sound bad when you say it like that, Jennie," Seulgi says.

"Because it isn't bad," I tell her, opening my bag and pulling the CD out before leaning over Jisoo again to put my bag back on the floor.

"Here," I say, giving it to Irene. She takes it and goes to put it in the CD player.

"I regret allowing you to come now, Jennie." Seulgi mumbles.

"She would have put the CD on regardless," I say, laughing.

"I would have only had to argue about that CD with one of you though. When there are two of you there isn't even a point in trying to argue." She mumbles, pulling onto the main road.

"Exactly, glad to know that you know you would loose." Irene joins in, making us both laugh.

"What is wrong with this CD?" Jisoo asks, leaning into me slightly.

"Just wait," Seulgi replies, in a tone suggesting she had already had enough of it. Irene presses a button and we hear the music start through the speakers. Irene and I had found this CD at some charity shop and had played it on every road trip we have had since.

It is pretty old, but all the classics were on it. Seulgi had been on every road trip with us since I got my licence so she has had to listen to this CD on repeat forever.

"Doesn't sound that bad," Lisa comments after the first song finishes.

"Wait until you have to listen to it on repeat sixty times," Seulgi tells her.

"You loved this CD the first time we played it," I tell Seulgi.

"Yes and then you all made me listen to it every time we went on one of these drives." She complains.

"How many times is that?" Lisa asks Seulgi.

"No idea, too many to count."

"Jennie, I, Mino, Seulgi and Yeri make sure to have one of these trips every holiday, and then during summer we went nearly every week," Irene adds.

"Really?" Lisa asks, her eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Yeah, Jennie drove, I was in charge of music, Mino was in charge of map reading, Yeri distributed snacks and Seulgi complained about my music choice." She looks back at me, giving a smile, which I return.

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