Sexy Wife🔥

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Pov. Sarawat

I woke up early today since I was in a rush for work and if I attended the meeting and it went right, it would mean more cash and basically, me becoming a world class  tycoon.

Of course, the hunger of cash never left my system even if I had all I needed, wanted and even whom I loved the most in the world, since I was a businessman after all.

But sometimes it got out of hand.... but less about that.

I was in the kitchen, making myself breakfast when I felt two slim hands wrap around my waist as I turned back smiling. Tine put his chin on my shoulder and started swaying his hips.

And as innocent as that sounded, his groin kept rubbing on my ass, which felt new because I was usually the one behind.

"T- Tine... good morning baby boy" I greeted besides the turn-on I felt. Tine lied back and pushed himself more onto me, getting my clothed little one rub onto the counter, producing wonderful frictions on it.

"Good morning Wat!" He exclaimed all too excitedly as he rubbed his hips onto mine even faster. Biting my lip, I continued stirring the bacon as I tried not to moan.

"You know what tomorrow is right?" He squealed, turning my head to look at him as he gave me a big, chaste kiss. I stood there with my mouth gape as I felt my lips with my fingers; like he kissed me for the first time.

"You... do, right?"he asked again, this time waving his hand in front of my face as I came back to reality with a sheepish smile on my face.

"Of course I do bunny, it's your birthday!" I cheered but his face bared nothing but his seductive eyes and smirk.

Coming closer to me, he pushed me lightly against the kitchen counter and shushed me by putting his finger on my lips when I opened them to protest. Leaning in, he blew hot air against my ear making me shiver.

Why is he doing it? Amn't I supposed to be in his place?

"I know what you're thinking my hubby bubby,"he said while leaning in to put his chin on my shoulder cutely. I nodded, signaling him to continue, "I feel the top energy today, and well I wanna try something... will you let me?"

I cooed at him as I ruffled his hair, making him seriously frown. I playfully pouted at him and softly nodded as a glint adorned his eyes.

"Yes! Well then..." this time leaning in towards me, he snaked his hand and gripped my hair from behind, forcing our lips to a hit and passionate kiss.

Something about his dominant nature got me all giddy and excited as I anticipated his next move. We both seemed to kiss until we lost our breath.

He smirked and the very next second I only stared at the ceiling and the edge of the cabinets as I felt hard bits and soothing licks on my neck, making me moan a bit too loudly.

If this is what top energy is, why didn't I know about this sooner?

"I won't fuck you, but I'll be a power bottom. And I want you ready, naked on bed with your hands cuffed behind you back and a tie, collar and leash aaand the paddle before I get back from work"

Whispering so, he walked away, drawing a finger down my hard-on as I bucked my hips in the need of touch.

I have a really sexy wife.... I'm one lucky bastard...

I thought, smirking and grinning like a fool, before I got the nasty smell of burning bacon. I quickly turned the gas off before putting it on my plate as mumbled to myself.

"Baby, where did you keep the.... you're leaving?" I frowned as my shoulders slumped down on looking at the white coat Tine wore with his bag slung around his shoulder.

"Y-yeah uh... I have a lot of work today, have a good day love" he whispered softly as he pulled me into a warm hug. For some unknown and childish reason, I started weeping while hugging him back tightly.

"What's wrong? Awww"

Why is everything opposite today?

"I don't k- know.... can't you leave after some more time?" I whined as he thought for a while and nodded, smiling warmly.

I finished having my breakfast and sat next to Tine, snuggling into his chest as I forgot about my work. I didn't wanna go anyway.

"Whats up with you? You're acting like me... did you get the.... bottom energy?!" He chuckled as I hit his arm lightly, sinking deeper onto his chest.

"Do you not want me to go to work today?" Tine asked seriously as I pretended to think with my index finger under my chin.

"Hm... I want you to go. Thanks for staying until now with me, my pretty and sexy wife" I whisper next to his ear, forming a blush on his cheek.

"Hm, I love you" he whispered back to which I responded by hugging him tighter. As I cuddled, I felt the leisures of being the one taken care of and really, this felt too good.

I felt my body feeling heavier as my eyelids couldn't hold themselves up. Tine patted my head and played with my hair delicately as I felt everthing turn black before I heard a whisper.

"...I'll call your assistant and check you out for today's work, and stay ready for me, okay?"

"Okay" a soft, semi-conscious mumble left my lips as I fell into deep sleep.


Waking up next to nothing but the chilling AC, my pillow and a blanket, my lips dropped to a frown until I remembered what Tine had told me to do.

I tried to jump off the bed- wasn't I on the sofa? Whatever- but tangled my legs with the covers as I fell face flat on the floor.

With a heavy groan I got up and went straight to the washroom to freshen up. After that, I got the things that had to be ready by when he got home as I placed them next to each other on the velvet covers.

Straightening the sheets, I started undressing until I was bare like an amoeba. I got up on the bed and cuffed my hands.

Let me point out, that was fucking hard to do.

I fiddled on the soft sheets, shuffling and feeling my smooth legs at times. Yes, I did shave my legs and arms and clean myself. Just please don't ask why.

Just as I felt the urge to get up and get a glass of water, I heard the door opening, followed by Tine's voice and the door lock clicking.

"Hey baby, I'm home" a shiver ran down my spine at his low voice as I straightened up and sat on my knees. My gaze towards the door intensified until it opened, revealing my shirtless wife with his jeans on.

"You're ready for me hm? That's good" he whispered, dimming the lights a little lower as for the room to not seem too bright and for us to be able to see each other at the same time.

".... uh should I call you-" I started only to be cut of by Tine's stern voice.

"Baby. That'd be okay" he said as I nodded, only to frown the very next second as he put the tie around my eye, blindfolding me.

"Let's play now daddy"


A/n: hehe.... yeah.

Who's excited for the next chapter? Here's some spoiler:

Gwt ready for some misunderstandings at the end of the next chapter~

Yeah- until next time, stay tuned, stay home and stay safe :) byeeeeeee see ya next time!

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