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Pov. Tine

I laid there on my bed, smiling at my family members and friends who walked with eyes full of worry and concern as I assured them I was better, like now.

Sarawat's small brother, Phukong, with his also small friend, Mil were poking at my cheeks and asking mee if I was okay. They both looked like they were 13-14 and they seemed quite close. Real close.

"Well, we both hope you get better!" Phukong said as Mil nodded and soon after Mil skipped out to get some drinks, leaving Phukong fidgeting with his fingers.

"P- P'Tine?" His soft voice cane ad I looked towards him and smiled, quirking my eye brows to indirectly ask what he wanted to say.

"Cane I come there?" He pointed towards me as I nodded, "I don't want P' to hear" he mouthed, looking over at Sarawat, who was finally drifting to sleep after I insisted.

"Hmm, what is it? Do you want to confess about drawing on his face?" I playfully asked, chuckling when he pouted.

"No I didn't do that! I want to talk about how... P' and you started your... uhm... r- relationship!" He exclaimed a bit loud, making Sarawat look at us. I shushed the small boy and made him sit down as I straightened up.

"Hmm... P' and me... we actually bumped into each other one day and this P'" I pointed to myself, "... He got drunk and someone almost did 'it' to him"

Phukong gasped, hugging me and whispering "it's okay". Sometimes teenagers can be so innocent and pure.. the little boy's actions made my heart melt as I hugged him back.

"Then what happened?"

"The your P' saved me... and we were good friends until one fine day..."


He pulled away and looked at me as he asked, "be my boyfriend..?" And looked away quickly.

My mouth flew open as I just stared at the side of his head. Soon, tears were flowing down my cheek and a warm smile appeared on my face.

I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him as a 'yes yes! A million times yes!!!'

"Does that answer your.... question?"


"Actually this was all a plan and... I was the one who was supposed to ask the question"

"Well I asked anyway"

He pulled me onto his chest as we slept and dreamed about each other the whole night.

End of flashback

My cheeks turned red when I remembered how it had gone. I looked at the awaiting boy, quietly sitting for me to continue.

"....we went to a coffee shop and while heading out, we went to a park and he asked me out!" I lied but that seemed to do it for the boy as he looked charmed.

"My P' is so romantic to you!!!!!"

"But before you skip off, why suddenly ask?" I smirked at the small boy as I saw him turn red. He slowly walked towards me and motioned for me to duck down.

After that, he cupped my ear and moved closer, "I want to tell P'Mil that I like him too... l- like P'Wat said to you" my face immediately contracted into a huge hiring ad I giggled like a teenager.

"You like him? Well then, all the best! I'll help kick start the show, you can tell him!"

Soon, Mil returned. Sarawat woke up with a start when Phukong rook the cold drink and almost smashed it across his face.

Say You're Mine[book two]✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu