"Hmm. You know, blackmailing me, is a pretty high risk move. I'm impressed. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to be on my way." Merlin said and they heard him take off running when he got a few steps down the hall.

"Were any of you going to tell him that he's wearing my shirt?" Gwaine asked, sitting up and looking at his friends. Their smiles reached ear to ear.

"Absolutely not!" Elyan said.

"We wanted to see what the King said when he figured it out. Which we probably better be on our way to witness." Percival said and was gone along with Elyan, Corbett and Eoin. Gwaine lay back down and stared at the ceiling. He hoped waking up next to him hadn't scared Merlin. It hadn't been intended, but it had been a really fun night. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of talking, a lot of laughing and smiling, and plenty of kissing after leaving the tavern. He hadn't been as drunk as Merlin, but he had still been drunk. He practically carried Merlin back to the castle, which was an interesting change. Gwaine was smiling as he got up and dressed and headed out to get on with his day.

Merlin had made it to Arthur's chambers and opened the door coming in with the best lunch he could muster. Plenty of meat, cheese, and fruit. He set the tray down feeling Arthur watch him from his desk. He couldn't read the expression on his face and did his best to keep his head down and go about his chores. Merlin quickly started making the bed, to keep his hands busy and avoid talking to the King as long as possible. Once the bed was made, he moved to grab the discarded armor throughout the room. Once he had it all together, he started putting the clothing in a basket to head down to wash. When Merlin stood up with the basket in his arms, armor on top, he turned to leave, finding his path blocked.

"Merlin. Care to tell me where it is you've been this morning?" Arthur asked, face a mask.

"Oh, er, overslept. Had a little too much to drink last night as everyone was very excited to see me again. Got a little carried away. Anyway, it won't happen again." Merlin said hoping that covered everything, but Arthur pursed his lips.

"Hmm. So you're telling me, your King, that you simply overslept. Correct?"

"Yes." Merlin said, hoping to sound chastised or sheepish.

"Funny. I went to your room and you weren't there. Gaius said he hadn't seen you come home last night. So. Where is it you slept?" Arthur asked, eyeing him suspiciously. "And, while you're at it, you can tell me who's shirt it is you're wearing?" Merlin's face dropped and he looked down. Oh, no. He'd grabbed Gwaine's shirt.

"Uh, it's not important." He said, trying to move around Arthur, who simply stepped into his path again.

"Merlin. If you want to leave this room, you will answer my questions."

Damn. "Fine. Er, I slept in the Knights quarters, as they spotted me stumbling back. The shirt is one of theirs, I suppose." Merlin said, though he knew his face was burning. He could still smell Gwaine on the shirt. Which didn't help. Arthur knocked the pile out of Merlin's arms and grabbed his head under his arm. The two wrestled for a bit as Merlin had had some lessons and was kind of able to defend himself. It of course still ended with Arthur holding Merlin in a headlock rubbing his hair until he started talking.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ok! Stop, I'll talk! I fell asleep in Gwaine's room and just grabbed the first shirt on the floor before being blackmailed by some of the others and running to grab your lunch. Now please get off of me!" Merlin grumbled. Arthur was grinning crookedly.

"Now, was that so hard?" He laughed helping Merlin up.

"You just couldn't let it be could you?" Merlin asked, rubbing his head.

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