"what should i wear..?"
he pulled out black denim shorts, a very oversized, grey adidas hoodie and a plain white shirt.
he put it all on and put on a few necklaces on before smiling at himself and walking out his room.

he grabbed his shoes and socks before slipping them on and waiting for the other two.
"ready to go?" lucas asked before the two nodded and they made their way to donghyuck's house, they may or may not have forgotten to tell him.

shotaro knocked on the door and stood there, after about two minuets of no reply he rolled his eyes and opened the front door.

he waltzed down the hall and opened the older's door with a loud bag. "hey! get your ass up hoe we're going out!"

"but my ass hurts..." donghyuck whined as he sat up bare chested.
"does it look like i give a fuck? no." shotaro said before walking into the shorter's room and throwing him clothes.

"what-" mark rose up.
"YOU TO! GET DRESSED!" shotaro told before walking out the room.
"now, do you wanna invite someone?" shotaro asked lucas. "uhh, i guess i do, brb."

lucas left the house and made a phone call outside, donghyuck limped out the room and glared at shotaro. "so where are we going?"

"ice cream." shotaro smiled at him before grabbing his hand a skipping out the house.
"ow! bitch! lemme get used to this!" donghyuck yelped as he was dragged out the room forcefully.

"what? did you get fucked last night or sumn." the japanese joked, rolling his eyes.
the smaller went bright red and covered his face.
"IT'S SOMETHING I WAS MEANT TO TELL YOU?" donghyuck yelled back confusedly.

"yes, donghyuck. YES."

"oh shit, sorry man." donghyuck patted the taller's shoulder.
"whatever." shotaro rilled his eyes, "how was i-"
"you don't need the information weirdo!"
"but like- was it kinky or-"
"SHOTARO. SHUT IT!" donghyuck covered his mouth, beet red in the face.

"jungwoo's coming!" lucas told happily.
"cool!" shotaro said, muffled by donghyuck's hand.
the five walked to the ice cream store, well with the one exception of limping.

they sat at a table that sat exactly six people at it, two at both ends, two on one side wile the other side was up against the wall, it was sat right in the corner.

the walls were painted a light baby pink, while the counters and decorations were baby blue and white colours.

donghyuck and mark sat on the side, lucas sat on the end that faced the rest of the store, leaving the seat next to him for jungwoo. also making shotaro and sungchan have to sit in the corner of the wall and table.

"oooh~ that one looks nice.." donghyuck said as he placed his chin in his palm.
after, a cute male why was surprisingly tall for his looks walked in and sat next to to lucas.

"hello!" he smiled a waved at them.
"jungwoo hyung!" donghyuck smiled enthusiastically before hugging him.
shotaro, mark and sungchan all just waved awkwardly at him, not really knowing him or being the most social people on earth.

donghyuck and jungwoo were in a full conversation, lucas and mark just sat there, awkwardly glancing at each other, well until mark brought up if younghoon was playing football again.

"do you and donghyuck do that often?"
"hm?" shotaro questioned.
"kiss." "oh, no, it's just something we used to do if someone tried to get us to go out with them."

"it's happened before?" sungchan asked.
"uh... a few times,, mainly with younghoon." he shrugged.
"oh, sorry about that."
"it's not your fault, is it." shotaro said.

"what do you guys want?" donghyuck asked the two.
"oh, i don't want anything." sungchan said.
"uhm... what are you having hyuck?"
"chocolate chip cookie dough." donghyuck replied.
"ooo~ i want that then." shotaro replied.

donghyuck got up and went to go order all their orders.
"why don't you want anything?" he asked sungchan.
he shrugged, "just not hungry."

donghyuck came back a few minders later and handed everyone their ice creams, since the store was pretty empty.

"thanks hyuckie." shotaro sang before taking his.
he used the spoon he got with it and took a bite.
"dude, this is awesome." shotaro chirped.
"i know right!" donghyuck beamed.
"wanna try some?" he turned to the brunette next to him.

"nah i'm-" "try it!"
shotaro shoved the spoon in his face, "open your mouth."
"what-" sungchan tried to speak before a spoon was shoved into his mouth.
"there, is it good?" he smiled cutely.

the taller went red and nodded.
"great." shotaro took the spoon out of his mouth and scooped more up, this time eating it himself.
mark and lucas watched the whole thing and had to hold back their laughter at the taller's facial expression.

"how did you get it on your nose?" the brunette asked with a chuckle.
"huh?" shotaro asked before stuffing his face with more ice cream.

"here." sungchan leaned forwards and used his thumb to wipe off the ice cream before licking it off his finger, both staring at each other.
"w-wha.." shotaro went bright pink.
"you're right, it does taste good." sungchan smirked.

the smaller went even redder, his lips formed a thin line as he puffed his cheeks and turned away quickly before burring his face in his hands.

"oi! this isn't a date." mark told the two.
"i- what?! i never said it was-" shotaro tried before donghyuck. interrupted, "i could be, a triple date." donghyuck smirked.

"what-" "ooo~ that seems fun, let's do it! lucas, you be my date." jungwoo said happily.
"sure." lucas shrugged.
"so that means sungchan and shotaro," donghyuck smirked at shotaro, "now let go somewhere i have in mind."




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