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~ so drippy so drippy so drippy see you nodding and you know it's so drippy it's so drippy so drippy so drippy get it poppin' so drippy so drippy ~



let's just skip the morning runtime and go straight to the outfit today :)

let's just skip the morning runtime and go straight to the outfit today :)

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bruh i ain't fuckin' explaining that outfit ^

after getting dressed he styled his hair, did a small amount makeup and got his shoes on, not his usual white pumas, but a new pair a black boots. (literally in the picture above)

he walked out the room and waited for the others, who came shortly.
"is it just me or did you grow taller overnight?" lucas questioned shotaro as they were walking.
"no," he pointed to his shoes, "platforms."

"ohh" he nodded.

they arrived at school, all parting ways when shotaro ran over to a new face.
"keita! are you okay?" he asked. crouching down to the smaller boys level.
the blue haired looked up and shook his head, eyes red and puffy from tears and his lips looked swollen and annoyed.

"what happened?" shotaro asked with a soft look, crossing his legs as he properly sat on the ground.
keita held onto his wrist tightly and gave shotaro a sorrowful look, "i'm sorry.."

"why? what's going on?" shotaro asked again, studying the shorter's condition, also noticing the bruise he had on his face.

"my mum.." he started, making shotaro sigh, he already knew where this was going, "she-she hit me.. because i-i said that.." he hiccuped, "that..."

"you can tell me." shotaro said, holding the smaller's hands.

"..i like boys"
the taller laughed silently, "you struggled to tell me that? me?" he gestured to himself.
"just because you wear that doesn't mean you are gay too.." keita mumbled, "i didn't wanna assume."

"thanks, now go on." shotaro said, patting his head.
"so yeah, s-she told me that i was worthless and that she hates me..." he took in a deep breath, "and i regret doing this.." he pulled up his sleeve, revealing the deep cuts.

"shit! keita!" shotaro stopped, "did you even clean them properly, they're still bleeding!"
"i-i'm sorry okay?!" he started crying again.
"oh no, don't be sorry!" the taller hugged him, playing with his hair.

keita hugged the taller's torso, burring his head in the taller chest. "i'm sorry." he mumbled again, against the fabric of shotaro's shirt.

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