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~tell me something you love about yourself! now! for me it would be my legs~


⚠️TW: mention of abuse⚠️

shotaro arrived home and was just waiting for taeyong to go off at him for ALMOST hitting chenle.

"welcome home." taeyong told in a cold tone.
shotaro sighed, "i already know what you're going to say, BUT HE HIT ME FIRST, LOOK!" he pointed to his cheek.



"fine, what happened, starting from last night."
taeyong asked.

"chenle, bumped into me, i said it was fine and we spoke a little, i got a little annoyed at something he said and walked back into my room THATS ALL, but then he came up with this whole "hE cAlLeD mE a WhOrE" thing and now you all hate me. and he started what happened this smorning, he ALSO wore MY clothes to school WITHOUT my permission and i asked for them back and he said no, but i originally went over to him because he spread a rumour about me, saying that i slept with seonghwa while i was dating younghoon!! and that's where the fight happened!" shotaro explained.

"he did that? chenle? did that?" taeyong rose a brow.
"YES, NOW WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BELIVE? me? your friend? or chenle? some random new bitch to the school? cmon, say it." shotaro crossed his arms.

taeyong sighed, "i'm sorry, i should've let you talk."
"yeah. and my wrist it fucking sore thanks to you." shotaro spat before walking into his room, closing the door loudly.

taeyong bit the inside of his lip and thought for a little, he decided he'd tell the other two boys about this, since he didn't want them hating shotaro for something that he didn't even do.


again, he woke up to tear stained cheeks, he did his usual, had a shower and got dressed, this time in this picture because i can't be bother to explain it :)

again, he woke up to tear stained cheeks, he did his usual, had a shower and got dressed, this time in this picture because i can't be bother to explain it :)

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he did his small amount of make up, hair and packed his bag before putting on his shoes and leaving his room. he was going to walk by himself today.. you know why... well that was his plan until lucas came out of nowhere and hugged him, almost picking him up.

"holy shit dude what the fuck?!" shotaro exclaimed in a shocked manner, looking up at him.
"i'm sorry i believed chenle over you!" he let go, bowing at him.

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