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~seventh chapter y'all, hehhehhehehehe~


⚠️trigger warning: mentioning and a scene of abuse⚠️

shotaro looked in the mirror, a black eye is what he saw, the dark purple and blue was around his eye, but luckily it didn't swell so he could cover it with make up.

he let out a heavy sigh and put the foundation on to cover it, along with other make up products since it wasn't unusual for him to wear it.

he washed his hands (wash ur hands kids) and went to get dressed, he pulled out his clothes and looked at them all, what would hide the bruises?

he pulled out a baby pink hoodie that had baby written on the front and put it on, putting sweatpants on because jeans would hurt the bruises, well, more than they already did.

he sighed and looked at himself, baggy hoodie with baggy sweat pants, so not him but it would have to do for the next week, unless he can find another way to cover them.

he walked out his room and grabbed his bag, putting food, homework and water in it before putting his shoes.

"are you sure you want that food taro? you'll put on more weight than you already have fatty" his "sister" snickered.

"shut up yua!" he snapped.
"being all tough because mummy and daddy aren't here to beat you for it?" she smirked.
"leave me alone!" he yelled before running out the door.

"your so fat that you had to cover yourself up! you ugly piece of shit!" she called out before shotaro was completely out of her sight.

he cried silently as he walked to school, sobbing into his sweater paws.
he stopped halfway and braced himself, he looked like a mess, his make up was messy now, not much though, just some smudges here and there.
his hair was messy since he didn't style it, and his clothes weren't what he would normally wear, so anyone could tell that there was something wrong.

he walked into school, later than usual, and saw all his friends and their friends standing around.

renjun wansn't there, but jeno was.
shotaro walked up to them and put a smiled on his face.
"hyuck!" he squealed, jumping onto the boy.
"shotaro! get off man, you're heavy!" he joked.
shotaro pouted before hopping off him.
"you're later than usual" jeno said.
"oh- y-yeah haha just some family stuff" he said awkwardly.
"okay then." jeno said.

"oh-wow! shotaro! what are you wearing!?" donghyuck asked.
"uh-clothes?" he said unsure.
"yeah i know but like, these are not..your type?" jeno said.
"oh-i-uhh just wanted to uh-try something new?" he sighed.

"did something happen?" donghyuck asked.
shotaro froze, eyes wide in shock, he started to remember what happened last night


"mother? father? yua?" shotaro asked in shock, they weren't meant to be back until next year.

"hello son" his father spoke harshly.
"b-but you weren't meant to be back till next year!" he asked loudly.
"don't raid your voice or question us you slut!" his mother said.

"i-i'm sorry m-mother" he stuttered.


a tear rolled down his face, "it's ma'am to you, young child."
he held his cheek and sobbed quietly.
"stop crying you baby!" his sister spat, "toughen up! are you even a man?"

he furrowed his brows and looked at her, "what's that meant to mean?" he asked.
"you heard me, you aren't a man, you wear skirts and make up, you make videos of you fucking yourself fir horny 80 year olds and call them daddy. doesn't sound very manly to me, it sound weak and stupid, like you, you fat fuck!" she screamed.

"yua, calm down," her mother spoke, "you've said enough."
"hmph!" she huffed before waking up stairs.
"so, do you still make those videos and lives? or those photos?" his father asked.

"i-i have to for money!" he sobbed loudly.
"you're a disgrace, you can't even get a job you brat! you're nothing but a nuisance!" his mother yelled.

"i-i'm sorry!" he cried, "i-i don't mean to b-be one!"


right to the eye.

he fell backward and felt like vomiting as his father uppercut him in the stomach.
he fell to the floor and curled up and they hit and kicked him, his sister silently watching, but you could see the happiness in her eyes.


shotaro started crying and fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.
"shotaro!" mark yelled.
"shotaro, what's wrong?" jaehyun asked.

the latter got up and ran off, pushing himself past jaehyun and lucas.

he ran off to a part of the school where nobody was, right in the back corner, right in the corner of the fence.

he sat down and curled up into a ball, a ball of sobs and tears.

he heard footsteps and someone sit next to him.
he didn't feel like talking so he kept crying, slowly calming down.

he felt someone hug his small frame, they were warm and shotaro didn't care who it was because he was calming down now.

his sobs became silent after a while, he wiped his tears and looked at the person.
it was sungchan.

"you okay?" he asked the older.
shotaro shook his head no, not wanting to talk.
"you don't wanna talk?" he asked.
shotaro nodded.
"do you want me to leave?" he asked.
shotaro shook his head no vigorously.

sungchan laughed and looked at him.
"what do you want then?" he asked.
shotaro extended his arms, wanting a hug.
sungchan caught on and hugged the younger.

shotaro wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on the latter's shoulder.
"thank you" he said quietly, in english for some reason. idk.
"it's okay"


~a shorter chapter but ended in some fluff to make up for all the angst if you call it that, i hope you have a great day/night! cya in a second~


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