Chapter 15: Seraphite Island

Start from the beginning

Finally, we make our way through the forest and into another small village when we came upon a little house. "This is the one." Yara said and she goes to the door and opens the door, we follow her inside.

"Lev?" Yara calls out only to see her mother lying dead on the floor. "Mom..." She said, her voice shaking with tears. Then Jesse said. "Over here." We turned around and see Lev curled up in the corner, crying.

"Oh, thank God." Yara said as she runs up to Lev and kneels down to him. She looks him over to see he had some bruises and scratches on his face. "Did she do this?" she asked him. "I just tried talking to her. I tried to make her understand, but she....she just kept yelling. She started chasing me. I tried to make her stop. I was just pushing her off of me..." Lev cries then he lowers his head down and begins to sob.

"Hey, hey, hey." Yara said, trying to soothe him but I could tell she was holding back tears of her own. "Then she hit the table." Lev finished and I look over at the boys, who looked shocked at this as we all look over at their mother's body behind us.

"Listen." Yara said. "Yara..." Lev cries then Yara hugs him for a moment and he cries into her shoulder. "You were defending yourself. You did nothing wrong." Yara said then she pulls back from the hug and looks at him. "It’s gonna be okay, I promise." She said.

"I want to leave." Lev said. "Yeah, me too. C’mon." She said and the two stand up. "Hey, kid." I said as he walks up to me and I go to hug him as well. "I'm sorry." I whispered and I pull back from the embrace and pat his shoulder.

He wipes his eyes then turns to Yara. "Yara...I never should’ve..." he started to say but she shakes her head. "It’s okay. I’m glad we found you. Let’s go." she said and we leave the house to see that it was raining.

"You know, I'll be glad to be outta here. Too much rain." Jesse jokes. "No kidding." Elliot said and we run ahead when we hear gunfire in the distance. "What’s happening? Wolves?" Lev asked. "All over the island...We’ll be okay. She protects us." Yara assures him.

"Shouldn’t we head back for our boat?" Daniel asked her. "No. I hear fighting back there." Yara said. "I hear fighting everywhere." I remarked, pointing out the gunshots echoing through the air. "There are lots of boats in Haven." Lev points out. "That’s what I was thinking. We can cut through Old Town...Avoid the main roads." said Yara.

"How far’s Haven?" Joel asked her. "Not close. But it’s our best chance. Just keep following us." She said to him. "Lead the way." Joel said and she nods and leads us on.

"Yara. Mom believed with all her heart." Lev said. "I know." she said. "Then why would this happen to her?" Lev asked. "Our faith doesn’t make us immortal. Loss is around every corner. But our faith guides us to find the strength to rise above that loss." Yara said and Lev looks down. "She guides us." He mutters then he looks up at Yara before he nods.

After walking through the villages and some abandoned buildings we make it up to this knocked down wall, only to see what looked like a village was engulfed in flames. "Oh no." Yara mutters. "Let me guess, that's Haven." Daniel said and Yara nods. "Shit." I muttered, shocked.

"Well...let's go." Elliot said and we jumped down from the building and run for a bit until we heard a loud roar. "Uh...What the hell was that?" Jesse asked as we looked around. I look over at Yara and Lev, who looked as equally confused as us. "That's not normal." Lev said, answering my worried look, then we heard another loud roar, it almost sounded like a Bloater but...different somehow. It honestly made my skin crawl.

"Is there normally infected around?" Daniel asked Lev and Yara. "No. That's why we choose this island as our home." Yara said while we could hear some people screaming and gunshots in the distance. "Well, c'mon...the faster we get to the boats the better." Elliot said and we all nod in agreement.

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