Dragons:Defenders of Berk episode 'Race to Fireworm Island'.

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This is definitely one of my favourite episodes. I have chosen to write about this episode because it shows a softer, kinder side of Snotlout when his dragon, Hookfang, came frighteningly close to death!

At the start, Snotlout returns from his flight, and Hookfang looks very exhausted. Fishlegs says that the Monstrous Nightmare has been forced to fly too much, but the arrogant Snotlout insists that nothing is wrong and that 'rest is for the weak'. Soon, the storm clouds get darker and Hookfang becomes so ill that he can't breathe fire anymore and his scales turn from bright red-orange to a dull stone grey. Fishlegs suggests that the dragon riders set out to find Fireworms, tiny glowing dragons that radiate heat, to get some fire back into Hookfang. However, Snotlout makes the condition worse by pushing Hookfang even further, and the Fireworms don't work. Then they accidentally come up with another idea- when Ruff and Tuff are banging Fireworms together, Hiccup sees that they generate more heat when they are close together. He tries putting some in a lantern close to other Fireworms, but that dosen't work either! Eventually the time comes when drastic measures need to be taken and Snotlout actually cares and even cries about Hookfang! All the dragon riders go to Fireworm Island,you know, to get more Fireworms. Hookfang just makes it there. Hiccup, Toothless, Snotlout, and Hookfang discover a massive, beehive-like cavern full of several thousand Fireworms.  In a determined but dangerous effort to save Hookfang, Snotlout takes a large, honey-coloured crystal out of a rock-and disaster erupts! The enormous, multi-legged Fireworm Queen emerges from her cave, of course in a nasty temper, and chases Snotlout madly! When he reaches his dragon, Snotlout encourages Hookfang to eat the crystal, though Hookfang tosses it aside. Hiccup points out that Hookfang was trying to protect him from the Fireworm Queen! Suddenly, she grabs Hookfang by the neck with her tail and gives him a bit of fire power, which they didn't realise. He flops to the ground, seemingly lifeless,and I was shocked! Then he bursts into flame, his normal self again. Snotlout now knows to treat his dragon better, and that rest and crying aren't bad things to do, they're just normal parts of life. I think Snotlout learnt a good lesson!

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