TwentyFive: ~An Arrow through the Heart~

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George woke up like normal yet for now on it was in the forest and in tents.

Uncomfortable and old, old tents.

The castle was unlivable, the villages were either burning or would began to burn, and there was no surrounding kingdoms for hours away.

But they wouldn't take them in anyways.

And who knows if Techno didn't get to them first.

George stretched and got out from the tent, guards at every angle on the campsite.

Surprisingly it wasn't early morning but more early to late afternoon. No clouds in the sky yet the mood felt like it was pouring down rain.

Dream, Nick, Bad..Sam and everyone else who could wield a sword. All had bags under their eyes and they're arms and hands red from the endless hours of training. It looked as at any moment one of them, if not all, would pass out from the lack of self care.

They're going to ware themselves out..

"Guys..I think we should just take a break for now.."

"Take a break, it's not like you're the one doing anything here George. There is no "we" in this." Sapnap threw the comment into George's face, Dream almost beating the shit out of him for it. "Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry."

"No it's fine. I'll just go back in the tent."

It didn't scare me, just caught me off guard. Sapnap has all right to be angered and upset, his love left and was never coming back and he was fighting a war we have almost zero chance at winning.

A few minutes passed, Dream came inside the tent. "I'm sorry about Nick. We're all just stressed and overwhelmed. No one would've thought half of us would've left to help Techno."

Dream was right.

Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Philza, and Wilbur all left with Techno the day he made his way to the palace.

Tommy was always on his side from the start though neither anticipated him almost dying. George wouldn't doubt if he threw a fit at the pink haired man for that.

Tubbo followed Tommy wherever he went, no matter if it were good or bad for him.

Wilbur was like a spy who sat in the distance but not too far away to not notice anything, just enough to hear information without looking suspicious. Being a guitarist was perfect for that.

Philza went and honestly that speaks for itself.
He was like a father figure to half that group and wouldn't leave without them let alone fight against them.

"Yeah, I just don't know what's going to happen."

"I know baby, I know." Dream embraced George in a long and comforting hug, both closing their eyes and enjoying the small moment.

George deeply missed these types of moments, comforting ones that would happen every morning and every night and now it barely happens at all.

George being stuck inside a tent for majority of his stay and Dream out training with everyone else.

Niki was his only source of communication honestly, her coming in occasionally since both were bored and had no one else to talk with.

"Come home baby."

The voice, never went away. In fact it's become more common ever since Wilbur rained dynamite on the castle and when Techno personally burned the flag, or well, every flag.

George has just learned to ignore it honestly, it starting to become annoying.


Nick was screaming from outside the tent, both George and Dream running outside even after the brunet was told to stay inside. He hated that everyone was trying to keep him safe and that he couldn't do anything.

He never tried to practice with a sword, knowing he'd be terrible at it but Dream never gave him the chance too anyways. It was too "risky."

Once standing outside the tent, everyone was standing side by side and holding their shields and swords.

Nick, Bad, and Sam all stood in the front and faced Tommy and Tubbo.

There was about ten feet in space between them.

Behind the three of them were Punz and Ponk.

Behind the two younger ones were Wilbur and Philza.

Niki stayed within the tent, it was best that way as she was the only medic.

Clay ran up beside Nick and Techno came to the fight on a horse.

Ranboo wasn't anywhere in sight, at best he was probably back at their place.

"What the fuck do you want Techno, you already took down the god damn government." Sapnap was yelling at Techno as he got off his horse, Bad not uttering a "language" at the black haired man as he didn't want to interfere.

"I told you, or wait no." Techno took a minute to sigh and started smirking at the small army before him. "I told Georgie here, did he not warn you."

George knew what he was talking about, how he wanted him dead for the sake of it.

Only Karl knew but he was gone. His secret safe between them until now.

No one saw this coming except for Karl and he couldn't say anything to help us. He was just there, watching as it unfolded and probably already knew the outcome.

How George wish he would've read chapter six on that day in the woods but he would've been too drunk to even comprehend what was happening.

"George. What did he say."

Dream spoke and it brought the brunet back into reality, how stupid was he to zone out in a time like this he thought.

"That- "

Techno didn't give him the chance to talk, this conversation was boring him enough. "That I'll kill him the second I can. We can't have any lose ends now can we."

The smirk he had plastered on his face never went away, still there.

Everyone seemed to be somewhat pissed that George kept that information to himself, all turning their heads back at the army in front of them.

Sam didn't turn his head but a second after, only to have an arrow sticking through his chest...

All turning their heads towards his way and stared.

An arrow through his armor and through his heart, shot by someone who sat in a tree.

Ranboo was the one in the tree. Bow in hand and most likely stacks of arrows in his holder.

He had good aim and none knew the gates-men could shoot, even from a football field away.


-Word Count- 1099

Umm, so.

It's Sapnaps birthdayyy.

Chapter 26 might be out tonight or tomorrow.

Sorry again that it's so short

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