Seventeen: ~How Life will Always Repeat Itself~

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Well until Dream looked over by the tree and saw George was gone along with Karl's book.

"G-george.." Dream quickly turns around and  puts his hand on Karl's shoulder. "Where's George Karl..."

"He- he was waa just ther- MY BOOK. No no no no." Karl was spiraling at this point, Sapnap trying his best to calm him down. "It's- it's gone and- and so is George."

"Look at me Karl, everything is gonna be fine, everything is going to be okay." Sapnap grabbed Karl and pulled him into his chest as he embraced him with a long and comforting hug.

Dream stood still as he stared at the tree where George once sat, he was in deep thought if not shock. "Wh- why did I take my eyes off of him..." He wasn't talking to no one but himself even if the others heard him, they all knew to let him be except for Tommy. Tommy always had something to say whether it was a good time or not.

"I mean you could say he's George not found."

"Not the time Tommy, not the time." Dream came back into reality when Tommy said that, Wilbur blocking him before he almost threw a punch at the blond kid.

Tubbo and Tommy had run off to look for him, just  in the wrong direction.

Ranboo and Wilbur were waking up Bad and Skeppy who were missing out on the whole missing George situation.

"I'm surprised they care for you, y'know Georgie." He couldn't see his face, the man had forcefully held George's head to face the group who were stressed, worried, and karl almost having a panic attack. "C'mon, get up now." Whispering in his ear, holding a dagger in his other hand which layed but a few centimeters from George's throat, he knew if he tried to scream, he would be more then dead.

The group was too dysfunctional and loud to see or hear George leave the bush he sat behind, the face-less man gripping both of his hands behind his back with only his one as they walked.

George was able to catch a few glimpses to his appearance, long pink hair and a plain white shirt. "Why- why are you doing this...why me."

"Because I've heard things, special things about you." George could tell he was smirking when he talked, worrying him more and more as they walked through the woods.

He decided it was best to keep his mouth shut until they got to wherever they were headed, stopping by a tree maybe half an hour out from the group.

"Why are we stop- stopping?"

The pink haired man had walked behind the tree and gathered all his things, leaving them there knowing the sword and armor would make too much noise when clashing against one another.

He had put on a red coat as it were fit for a king, a large bow, multiple bundles of arrows, a long sword, and a helmet.

What if I ru-

"Before you get any thoughts in that head if yours." The man took hold of the bow and grabbed an arrow, shooting the middle of sunflower. "Bullseye."

George knew deep down once again there was no escaping without proper thought and plan.

A False Reality // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now