When You Meet Him [Vento Aureo]

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Giorno Giovanna

(F/N) finally had some time off school and wanted to visit her sister, who had recently moved to Italy. Of course, her sister was a no-show at the train station when she promised to give her younger sister to her place. Walking through the dimly lit streets, the (h/c)-haired teen glared at the sidewalk, doing her best to wave down a taxi and yell through her phone once the dialing tune finished. "Hey! It's (S/N)! I can't reach my phone right now! Please leave a message! I'll get back to you as soon as I can!~"  her sister's cheery voicemail popped up.

"You better get back to me!" (F/N) said, not hiding her anger. "You said you'd be here to pick me up! I tried calling you at every train stop after I got off the airplane! I swear if you blew me off for a date, I am so never letting you hear the end of it." the (h/c)-haired teen said into her phone. Hanging up, (F/N) sighed in frustration as another taxi passed by her. It's a good thing she gave me her address, and I know at least two years' worth of Italian. Not to mention that it's in the middle of the afternoon, I shouldn't get lost too easily. (F/N) thought to herself.

Several attempts at getting a taxi or an answer from her sister, the (h/c)-haired teen made her way to a nearby restaurant. Rolling her black suitcase with a red rose floral pattern into the building, (F/N) looked through her messages to see if her sister at least texted her. Nothing! You have to be kidding me! (F/N) thought to herself. The hostess smiled at her, showing her the way to her booth. It wasn't hard for (F/N) to notice the large group of people at a table in the corner of the dining room that made the entire corner seem intimidating to stand around.

As the hostess got ahead of her, there was someone who collided with (F/N). "Hey! Watch where you're going!" (F/N) said, glaring at the figure that was around her height. Seeing it was a teen boy around her age, who had a calm glare to him, he frowned. It took a moment for the (h/c)-haired teen to realize she knocked over and popped her suitcase open. The hostess jumped a bit, seeing the situation, but didn't make much of an effort to go anywhere near the teen, knowing who he was.

"I could say the same to you!" the blonde said, snapping without realizing that something else caught (F/N)'s attention. "Hey!" he said. Turning his attention to the (h/c)-haired girl, he noticed that she was doing her best to put all the items that popped out of her suitcase. The blonde stood on the other side of the mess and assisted the (h/c)-haired girl in repacking her luggage. After the two finished, (F/N) blushed out of embarrassment, "T-Thanks... uh... What's your name?" she asked, looking at the blonde who stood up.

"Giorno," he said before walking off to the table of interesting characters. (F/N) mentally panicked, noticing who she snapped at, but her expression was deadpan. Getting up, she quickly walked over to her booth and ordering her lunch.

Narancia Ghirga

The school day had ended, and (F/N) was walking home. Looking at her phone as she walked down the street, the (h/c)-haired teen stopped, seeing two shady figures run out of an alleyway in front of her. They had a few bruises and cuts on them as they ran off. (F/N) looked at the fleeing pair in fear. Did they mug someone in the alleyway?! She thought to herself.

Cautiously looking into the alleyway, (F/N) saw it was clear, but her assumption of there being a third person was correct. Behind a dumpster were two legs popping out. Feeling her heart drop to her stomach, (F/N) rushed to the person. Whoever attacked the person hid them under some trash bags and flattened cardboard boxes. Doing her best to move the objects as quickly as possible, (F/N) saw a teenage boy around her age. He had taken some pretty deep wounds. "Oh my god..." (F/N) muttered.

Gently shaking the teen, they stirred a bit. Suddenly a hand went to (F/N)'s wrist, holding it firmly still on guard. Seeing that the (h/c)-haired girl wasn't a threat, he relaxed a bit. Setting her bag next to her, (F/N) dug through it to pull out a small cat-themed first aid kit she always carried around. Without many words, she began to patch up the black-haired teen. "W-What's your name?" (F/N) asked, looking at the boy in front of her.

"Narancia..." Narancia said, doing his best to introduce himself. His exhaustion showed. After (F/N) finished mending Narancia the best she could, the (h/c)-haired girl looked at the black-haired teenager stood up.

"Thank you. I owe you a big one." Narancia said, smiling a bit as he waved. It didn't take long for him to walk off before (F/N) could protest and tell him to get a hospital, but he was far gone.

Bruno Bucciarati

(F/N)'s dreams were coming true! She and her sister saved up enough, and their college's abroad program accepted them. They were able to travel across the globe and study in Italy. (S/N) arrived earlier than (F/N) to make sure their stuff arrived safely.

Standing in the middle of the train station, (F/N) looked a bit confused at a map kiosk of the station, not knowing where to go from where she was. Looking between her phone and the map, she tried to figure out the best way out of the train station.

As she was reading the map, a body flew past her, crashing into her luggage. The (h/c)-haired young woman jumped, not knowing what in the world happened. Hearing a crash, she saw that her luggage topped over when a blonde teen landed on it. "Oh my god! Are you okay, kid?" she asked, looking at the incident. The blonde teenager didn't respond, quickly rolling off the luggage, and he dodged an oncoming attack. Too busy trying to check her luggage (F/N) didn't notice the taller figure that appeared behind her. The unzipping of a zipper was loud, and the newcomer pushed the (h/c)-haired young woman into the zipper. Turning around, before she could protest, the zipper closed. (F/N)'s heart dropped to her stomach.

After what felt like hours, the zipper opened. (F/N) landed next to her luggage. "You should be more aware of your surroundings and stay out of harm's way." the black-haired young man around her age said before walking off.

"Y-Yeah..." was all that (F/N) could muster up. Her (e/c) eyes watched the sharply dressed young man walk off to continue what he was doing with the teen.

Leone Abbacchio

It was late at night, and the city lit up. A (h/c)-haired young woman walked through the dimly lit sidewalk. Her (e/c) eyes showed her exhaustion. (F/N) had to pull an all-nighter on top of her shift for the day. Thanks to a mishap with some documents, the entire department she worked in had to go in overdrive to correct the incident. Groaning, (F/N) looked at the brightly lit convenience store in joy. The young woman had time before her train, and a good cup of coffee and some snacks would tide her over until she could crash in her bed.

After getting a hot coffee and some delicious snacks for the train ride, (F/N) walked more towards the train station. Suddenly, someone pushed her into another area, causing her coffee to drop onto the ground. Bringing her attention towards the assailant, (F/N)'s face paled a bit seeing, a switchblade in the man's hand as his other hand was motioning towards her purse. "Hand it over, and you won't get hurt!" the man said, demanding the bag.

"W-Whoa... okay..." (F/N) said, reaching for her purse strap. As the assailant got closer, the (h/c)-haired woman held out her bag in fear. "H-Here," she said. As the man reached out for the purse, he let out a pained yelp as his movement came to a halt. Suddenly, the man dropped to the ground, revealing a white-haired young man around her age. He looked at the unconscious man.

(F/N) stared at the man as well, still processing what happened.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking at (F/N), "What's your name?" he asked.

"Y-Y-Yeah. Thank you so much." (F/N) said, "And my name is (F/N)," she said.

"Get home safely, (F/N)." Leone said, looking at the (h/c)-haired woman. He walked off but made sure that (F/N) got to a safe place from afar.

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