"HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!" you yelled so loud but no one heard.

"I already tried that, " you turned to where you heard the voice, the voice was raspy and low but could tell it once seemed soft and dreamy.

"W-Who is that?" you stuttered.

"I'm Marlene France, what about you?" her voice then became so soft.

"You have a pretty name I'm Y/n Y/l/n, " you said having no idea where she was from the darkness.

"Thank you, your name is very pretty as well, " Marlene said, you knew she was smiling from the way she spoke.

"How long have you've been here? Did he do this to you too?" you blurted.

"I've been here for 1 or 2 years, sometimes I forget how long because it's always the same," Marlene's voice cracked.

"Oh I'm so sorry, your parents must be so heartbroken, " you felt so sad, "We will get out of here, I promise you that and I don't break my promises, "

"I've tried there's no use in trying I've done everything you could name, " Marlene said.

"Well, there has to be something trust me we will figure something out, " you smiled even though you knew she couldn't see you.

The lights then turned on, your eyes hurt from the brightness, you turned to Marlene to see her sitting in the corner her knees against her chest and her head resting on the wall. She had beautiful long black hair with strands of platinum hair, she had very green eyes and a beautiful face structure she had full lips and she seemed very small. She was wearing this blue dress it looked like a maids dress and it was a little dirty and she had on white shoes that weren't quite white anymore.

She looked at you and her eyes sparkled.

"You are so pretty, " she said.

"You are too," you smiled.

"I know we're like held hostage by this psychopath but we could start a conversation, " you smiled, "Ok so is your hair natural platinum blonde?"

"Yes, I was born with it so it's my birthmark I guess you could say, " Marlene giggled.

"I know a boy that has platinum hair, his name is Draco Malfoy, " you smiled at the thought of him.

"Draco? You know Draco!" Marlene shouted in excitement, "Yes, why? Do you know him?" You asked.

"Yes, he was a friend of mine, he was an asshole but he was like a brother to me," she smiled, "That's how I met Connor, and well this happened... well how do you guys know each other?"

"Draco he is something else I mean he was the biggest jerk to me he bullied me the first few years then this year just everything changed, I think I like him maybe even love him a bit," you gazed into the ceiling as you thought of him.

"That's a damn book I would read," Marlene laughed, "Enemies to lovers or something so adorable,"

The door had swung open and a large, muscular man came in he had this weird mask on and it looked so familiar to you. You searched him with your eyes and seen a key attached to a necklace around his neck, and his wand was in his pocket and he had all black on.

"Get up now!" His deep cold voice yelled, "Any funny business I will hurt you,"

You both got up and you observed every movement he did, while he took the key off his neck and took the chains off while he put it back on. He looked up at you both and began to speak.

"Our boss would like to speak with you two," he said pushing you and Marlene to the door. You guys walked everywhere as you wondered where you were. It looked like a manor based on how big and spacey the place was.

You then walked up to the person, and they turned it was Connor.

"What do you want with me, with us just let us go," you begged.


Draco's POV

While I was watching the tournament waiting for them to come back, I noticed that I haven't seen Y/n anywhere during the whole thing. I got up from my seat and began to go look for her when I heard Harry shout, "I COULDN'T LEAVE HIM THERE!" he cried "NOT THERE I JUST COULDN'T!"

I turned to him and seen Cedric on the ground...He's dead oh my God. Harry continued to shout, "HE'S BACK, VOLDEMORT'S BACK HE'S ALIVE!" when I heard that my stomach sank and I had to get out of there.

I went to look for Y/n and couldn't find her anywhere, I began to get worried and start to panic I spent an hour looking for her when I bumped into Professor McGonagall.

"Malfoy? You should be in your dorm, it's not safe, " She said.

"Professor is Dumbledore in his office?" I panted.

"Yes, what do you need him for?" She asked.

"Y/n I can't find her," I blurted.

I saw her face get worried and I know why she became so worried because she and Dumbledore knew about Y/n's history that was the only reason I found out what happened to her father I heard them talking about it.

"Come with me Draco," McGonagall demanded.

Invisible Love    A Draco Malfoy fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum