1~ I Don't Know What To Say

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Trigger Warning

(Most songs above don't go with the story I just like them, this one inspired this story it's called Thread by Now, Now.)
~ The Outcast

Greg's POV:

It took me awhile to finally get up,
Not wanting to wake up because I was better off snuggled up next to my beautiful wife. I could smell the eggs from the kitchen as I walked down the hallway only to hear my name from the TV which had the news on. I plopped down on the couch wondering what was going on, probably haters again. Even the president wouldn't like me.

"Gregory Jackson, or as he is know on the Internet as Onision, was the name Angelina Gortes wrote in her own blood after her second suicide attempt.
Ms. Gortes has tried to do this before, but never like this. Right now she is at Saint. Claire's hospital, with her parents worried and upset because they didn't put her in therapy sooner."

I felt a hand on my shoulder only to look up and see Lainey staring at me like I grew another head. Until I soon realized I was crying. Ugh I felt so bad for her, but I never really knew why she wrote my name in her blood.
I heard my phone vibrate on the counter, worried because I knew other people seen that news cast too.
I dragged my feet to the counter and picked up the phone slowly, not really caring who it was.

"Hello, is this Greg by any chance?"

"Why yes it is, what can I help you with?"

"Um, this is kind of really important to me so here it goes, my name is Katie Gortes and I don't know if you've heard of my daughter Angelina, but we live in Michigan and she has stopped talking ever since everything happened and she won't even tell any of us what's going on, and I'm so scared." I heard silent sobs on the other end.

"It's okay Mrs. Gortes, do you by any chance know why she wrote my name?"

"Well, she has always looked up to you, you and another boy were the only two that could make her smile, but one day the other boy just kinda shut her out, you are her only hope left."

I didn't know what to say anymore, I was so taken back by what she just said. So I kissed Lainey's cheek and sadly, I was going to

Later That Day

We ate our spaghetti in silence, not really knowing what to say. Today was so stressful, with booking the plane ticket and everything that has happened this year piling on top of us, today.
I was finally fed up and spoke,

"Look, I'm sorry I am leaving so soon at such a short notice, but I'm scared this girl might try to hurt herself again, I just really hope your not mad or anything."

"Greg, I could never be mad at you, not even for a second. I want you to go, save her from what's killing her on the inside, and I'm so proud that you really inspire people. Remember that, okay?" She let out.

"Okay, thank you, but I swear I'll be back when this is all over.
I promise."

I promise.

(A/N: I know author notes can be super annoying so I won't bother you much, only if the is something important.
~ The Outcast

R.I.P Mitch Lucker

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