Chapter Fifteen: Trouble in Shanghai?

Start from the beginning

"Fine," Gabriel agreed "He can go out, but only if he has someone with him," and with that, she was dismissed 


Luka sat in his room strumming a tune on his guitar as he heard his phone buzz; there was a message from Marinette.


Hey Luka

I know this is kinda random but can you do me a favor?


Sure what is it?


Well, there's this girl named Chloé... looks like she could use a friend

Maybe you can spend some time with her once in a while?

If it's too much to ask it's alright, she's not the nicest of people but I think she wants to change.

Luka sighed wondering if someone had put her up to this. It seemed that everyone around him wanted him to be the one to approach Chloé. Although from the one interaction that they did have, she didn't seem that bad...


Okay, sure


Cool, maybe you can show her some of your new tunes or something :D

She asked me for help the other day but I told her it would be difficult since I'm in China so I said I would send someone over

You can head over anytime  :) 


I'll see what I can do

Marinette smiled as she saw Luka's reply. Well, at least I got that over with... As her train was approaching shanghai she received an unexpected message from Adrien


Cool! My father actually gave me permission to go out and explore if I go with someone maybe you can join me?

Marinette thought about his offer for a moment, she could use Adrien's help, after all he was fluent in Chinese whereas her skill was almost non-existent. However that could be a threat to her identity as Ladybug, even if he was Chat Noir there would be dangerous consequences if he found out, as shown in the events of Chat Blanc. She could always use the excuse of visiting areas for fashion inspiration. Yeah, that's what I'll do...


Sure sounds fun! Let's explore together :D 

Adrien smiled as he read Marinette's reply, "I finally get to see Marinette!"

Plagg rolled his eyes at the blonde kitten dreamily staring at his phone, he hoped Marinette had a good excuse to accept his offer without revealing her identity. Hopefully, everything will be just fine...


Felix sneaked around the mansion looking for some clues. He came across his uncle's office and slowly sneaked in. Felix looked around the office and saw the painting of his aunt. Taking a closer look, he saw buttons? Was there a secret his uncle was hiding? Perhaps the other ring was there? He took a closer look and identified some fingerprints, after a few tries, he was finally able to see it, a secret elevator?

Felix went down only to see his aunt's sleeping body in a comatose state. Aunt Emilie was still alive? Why hasn't Uncle Gabriel said anything about this? He took a look around the body, was the ring on her finger? Nope, uncle must have taken it with him once he realized I stole his ring... he sighed as he head went back up only to see Lila lurking around his uncle's office.

"What are you doing here?" He growled

"Oh, I was just looking for something," Lila replied "Gabriel said there was an urgent document that he needed, guess it's not here!"

"Yeah right," Felix scoffed, "you may be able to fool everyone around you but you can't fool me."

"You..." Lila frowned, unable to come up with words to say, she was pissed, how could somebody possibly see through her?  

"oh yeah, well you're definitely up to no good either."

"Listen up little miss fake," Felix seethed, "you think you got tricks up your sleeve, well I do too. Adrien may be the one with friends, but I'm the ones with the brain."

"You think I have any friends," she scoffed, "I fool everyone into believing in me, in the end I'm just a loner with no friends and no mother to pay attention to me!"

"Well, I'm a loner just like you!" Felix admitted

"Oh yeah?" Lila snapped, "at least you're rich and have people waiting on your hand and foot."

"At least you're so fake you can fool people into being your friend!"

A spark of anger ignited between them, with each hateful accusation, they took a step closer to each other. Each word added fuel to the fire, from a small burning flame to a huge wildfire and just as they were both about to erode, something unimaginable happened, they kissed...

What do you guys think of Lie-Lix lol do you want more of them? I'm kind of hesitant to write about their romance but if you guys want I can add let me know :P 

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