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TW: character death

(He's 32 years old here. This is during Wilbur and Tommy running away)

My folk has surrounded me.

They wanted a revolution.

They don't see what Good things I'm doing for them.

„If I go down, this country goes down with me!"
(Sounds familiar)

They growled „you're the reason we're dragged into wars! Because of you we barely have anything to eat! This country is going down because of you!"

»of course, they need someone to blame for all their problems. So who's the best person to blame? It's me! Who else should it be.«

„It's not my fault that we were attacked this year, and it's not my fault that I'm trying to protect our country from a tyrant, it's not my fault that our plants weren't growing well this year because of the sudden income of the cold. I am just trying to protect us all"

„No! You're Just a selfish monster! You're a tyrant yourself! Everyone would be a better leader than you!"

With that the crowd attacked me.

I tried to block them off with my shield, but I failed.

I could feel the cold metal of a swords blade going through my stomach.

I fell to my knees and passed out.

Everything around me was black.


........I was surrounded by extreme brightness.

In front of me were two winged people.

One was wearing a white-Blue hood, his skin was completely white and he had angle like wings with a halo.

The other one was a blonde boy with purple eyes and a purple hoodie, ripped black jeans, black-purplish demon wings and a clock in his hand.

„Welcome to heaven, Philza" they both spoke at once


A/N: any ideas who it could be?~

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