[Y/N] | Part 7

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TW: mentions of suicide

A few hours had passed from when I had found my mother.

I was currently led into the main hall of the kings castle.

I was still upset.

I have to watch my mouth though.

»I don't«

I have to stay alive

»I don't«

People would miss me

»They wouldn't«

Nick and Clay would be sad.

»They wouldn't«

I want to stay alive

»I don't«

I sighed a bit

»what's the use? You're alone. There is no reason to stay alive«

I could try and find my friends

»would they even want you to? You betrayed them.«

Of course they would

»are you sure?«


I snapped back to reality when bright light shined onto my face.

I had reached the hall.

The king stared down at me

„Why did you bring me a child here?"

„She is a traitor to the country and she insulted us guards. Adding to this, she murdered her own mother in cold blood and tried to blame it on us"

„I did not do it! There was literally a sword from the guards stabbed in her chest!"

„Silence!" The king shouted

He looked back at me „since I am not a child murderer, I will exile you from these lands. If I ever see your filthy face around again, I will not hesitate to get you killed"

The guard made a 'tch' sound „You better be grateful you fucking brat"

„Shut up"

He slapped me

„Don't you fucking dare talk back to me!"

„It's called an conversation"

„Shut the heck up brat!"


A/N: today's chapter is done!

I hope you enjoyed!

Have a great day/night!

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