
906 44 10

TW: Violence, gore

(He's 10 years old here)

I hate my colorblindness.

It's only causing me trouble.

I fail many of my tests in school because of it, the other kids bully me and my family tells me I'm a mistake.

All because of my colorblindness.

All because of my eyes.

I stared down at the river in front of me.

It reflected my face with those stupid brown eyes.

I hated them.

If they wouldn't be there, things would be better.

A bit deeper in the river were sharp small stones.

»what if...:.....I got rid of the problem?«

I reached in the cold water and grabbed an very sharp and pointy stone.

I held it on my hand and took a good look at it.

»it should work...«

I bit on my sleeve to muffle my screams , then I took the sharp stone and stabbed my right eye.

I let out a loud scream, it was luckily muffled by the sleeve.

Blood started running down my face while I started scratching my eye out with the stone.

»just a bit longer, then this pest is gone«

»you can do it George«

My screams got louder, the pain was unbearable.

But I had to achieve my goal.

The others will accept me then.

I'm sure of it.

The blood kept running and running.

Suddenly a branch snapped behind me.

I turned around and saw two boys around my age staring at me.

The blonde one with a mask quickly went to my side „what are you doing?!"

His eyes were wide in shock.

He pulled my fand with the stone away from my eye.

The other boy with dark hair also went to my side and got out a bandage.

I didn't say a word.

The pain got worse.

I couldn't even hear them anymore.

The. Everything went black.


A/N: hahahah, social pressure at its finest.

Have a nice day/night guys!


The story behind her |sequel the Mystery behind the girl| DreamSMPxReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ