Happy Birthday

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Taylor stood in shock and stared blankly at Fancy before heading up quickly to Turtle's bedroom.

Taylor knocked three times but opened the door anyway

asking No permission,

Turtle was six months pregnant and was brushing her hair at her vanity set.

"Turtle... why didn't you call me? why didn't you tell me sooner?" Taylor questions.

Turtle stops brushing her locks and shifts to Taylor, grabbing his hands gently, "I was afraid, actually" She frowns.

Taylor shook his head " I don't understand?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't want the baby, let alone me anymore." Turtle expressed. "It's scary only being sixteen and pregnant, Taylor,

It's not easy." She uttered, standing up to move apart from him.

Taylor watched troubled "T-turtle... What are you talking about?" He asks. "don't want you or the baby? Of course, I want you, and our kid, you should have told me sooner, Turtle,

I would have come home sooner" He lowers, walking over to her.

Turtle turns to Taylor " I didn't want you to grieve,

you didn't need the worry while you were so far away."

Taylor glares through her being concerned,

" it's ok, Turtle," he replies

"Not a big deal, Love,

we shall take this one step at a time."

Turtle had tears brimming her eyes,

she was terrified, but Taylor was her hero,

The Two hugged tightly, standing in a dim room

although things seemed carefree, things could very well turn for the worst for the young couple.

2 months later...

"Lunchtime Kiddy." Fancy says happily, picking up Spitfire and placing him in his highchair " Peas and carrots today." she smiles, "Zoom... zoom" She laughs, twisting the spoon towards Spitfire's little mouth in an airplane motion.

Adam watched in the doorway of the kitchen quietly, "Ha" He laughs " Such a good boy isn't he?" Adam smiles, proceeding his way to Fancy.

"He sure is and soon will have a new friend," fancy says.

"I know." Adam smirks " Wow, can't believe I'm going to be a great uncle."

"Yeah, pretty amazing, isn't it" Fancy grins " Well, now you can clean his dirty little face " She laughs, picking Spitfire up and handing him to Adam.

"Awww, what do we have here?... Carrot?" Adam smiles big, clutching a washcloth from the sink,

and tenderly cleaning Spitfires face of food.

"He has the darkest hair. " Fancy smiles " Finally, right? we have a brunette in the family."

Adam nods in agreement,

Usually, the Dundee family has blonde hair,

but since Spitfire came,

maybe the blonde curse has been broken.

November 10th...

Turtles, painful Scream hollowed the house walls, echoed off the staircase, and deepened at the ceilings.

"Push Turtle," Brooke shouts, handing Fancy a wet washcloth to place on Turtle's forehead.

"Come on one more time, Turtle, One more time," Fancy says calmly. Turtles Black hair stuck to her neck,

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