46.| Goodbyes Sure Do Suck

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Alaric shook his head. "I wish I had better news, but we don't have enough time."

"Super squad always saves the day what do you need us to do?" MG asks trying to lighten up the mood.

"Anything we can."

Luci cleared his throat. "We should also make a plan for if things happen to not go our way."

The entire group but Kaleb and Brooklyn gave the boy a good.

"What? Rafael is going to die there is no doubt."

"Lucas is right, we've gotta be realistic about our odds here," Kaleb says agreeing

Alaric sighs. "Lucas, you're telling me you have no idea on how to keep Rafael alive?"

"Not really no."

Brooklyn nudges his sides.

"—But I can try and look for something," Luci adds with a sarcastic smile.

Alaric nods thankfully. "Jed, the pack should be with him right now."

"Pack can't help with this, Doctor S.," Jed says.

"Why not?"

"Dying wolf separates himself from the pack, we have to respect his privacy and keep our distance unless he chooses to reach out to us," Jed explains

Alaric stands to his feet and walks up closer to the wolf. "Is that how you would want to be treated?"

"Sorry," Jed says as he tries to mot make eye contact with the man. "It's just our nature."

Alaric sits back down sighing. "Lizzie, the witches. Have them keep trying any and all healing spells."

"Already on it. Plus Brooklyn suggested linking Raf to the moon cycle." Lizzie says proudly.

Brooklyn nods. "It's a bandaid but it'll hold his symptoms until the morning—"

"When he drops dead." Both Kaleb and Luci say in unison.

Kaleb's eyes widened. "I said that out loud, I am so so—"

"—my point is if anyone could find a way to save him it's us," Lizzie says looking at Brooklyn.

"That's cute. The two bitches of the school are bonding." Luci says with a tight smile.

Brooklyn rolls her eyes.

"There's only one problem with your idea," Hope says bursting through the door. "Rafael took off. He's gone."

Luci rolls his eyes. "Where the hell did he—" he was cut off when he felt an uneasy feeling in his chest.

"What's wrong?" Hope asks worriedly.

"I don't—" The Nephilim's eyes flickered gold.

"Uh, we'll be right back," Brooklyn says before pulling the boy out of the room and running outside.

Once they reached outside of the school Lucas grabbed Brooklyn by the neck. "Why are you d-doing this?"

Brooklyn kicks Lucas back. "You're weak. Do you really want to try and fight me right now?"

"Brooklyn you don't understand...If I gain control of all that dark magic I'll die!"

"The human side of you dies. Not you." Brooklyn says shaking her head.

"That's still just as bad."

Brooklyn shook her head. "I'm sorry."

Lucas was about to speak again but his eyes went gold. The Nephilim gasped for air as his eyes went back to his normal greenish color.

"It happened again?" Luci questions.

"That's been the longest he's been out," Brooklyn says.

Luci sighs. "We have to find Josie's magic and kill this human side of me off before it's too late."

"When the Necromancer raises Malivore, what happens then?" Brooklyn questions.

"We drain the magic right out their vessels," Luci smirks. "And from there. We rain hell on earth and the human race."

"Are you okay?" Lizzie asks running outside.

Luci clears his throat. "Y-yeah. Why what happened?"

"Hope's got a plan."

Brooklyn and Luci glance at one another before following Lizzie back inside. After a moment they met up with Rafael and Landon. And from there Lizzie explained Hope's weird, but crazy plan that could possibly work.

"So Hope wants to use Clark's freaky Friday tuning fork to put Rafael's consciousness into someone else's body?" Landon asks as holds onto the object.

"Look I know it's not ideal.." Lizzie starts off as she takes the Trident. "But if we modify and reforge the trident then a siphon like me... can use it to transfer energy instead of consciousness."

Luci furrowed his brows. "Wait, what kind of energy? And into who?"

"Well, my first choice was Jed," Lizzie admits. "But unfortunately it has to be Nephilim or Phoenix energy."

Rafael's eyes widened. "What? No what does that mean for them?"

"I'm guessing that means we become human."

Luci chuckles hysterically. "Y-you're kidding, right? It's impossible for me to live without my grace just imagine me in human form."

The group stays silent.

"Hope was okay with this?"

"Why do you think she's not here to tell you herself?"

Rafael took a deep breath in. "I don't want to live to find out that Lucas risked his immortality for mine."

Brooklyn shook her head. "There's no other choice, you have to go through with it, Luc."

Luci looks at the demon in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me."

Without another word, Lizzie began to prepare the spell. Luci watched in the gym as he thought to himself.


"What happened with our plan?" Luci questions standing to his feet. "We're supposed to take over this world with the magic!"

"What happens to Lucas when you fully take over? Where does his soul go? Where does he go?" The woman questions.

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. I-I can't let you kill him."

Luci let out a growl before he picked Brooklyn up by the neck. "You will do whatever I say," he says as his eyes glowed gold. "And if you think about standing in my way. You can fall with your Nephilim boyfriend. Do you understand me?"

Brooklyn nods.

Luci let go of her and watched as she fell to her feet gasping.

"Consider this your first and final warning."

[1] ᴄᴏᴍᴀᴛᴏꜱᴇ, ʟᴇɢᴀᴄɪᴇꜱ.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora