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Rockford Hills Hotel, Los Santos, August of 2015

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Rockford Hills Hotel, Los Santos, August of 2015

They had decided to name the baby Roman Townley.

And yes, Amanda knew it was risky giving the baby the former family surname, but Trevor had already found them, they were under constant FIB protection, so they decided to risk it. They had also come to the decision that they were changing their surnames back as well, you know, so the baby didn't grow up wondering why it's surname was so far fetched from the rest of it's family.

The media had already been all over it. Michael De Santa, semi-successful movie producer, and Amanda De Santa, FIB agent, were changing their surnames, but why? Amanda knew it was better not to give answers because people get nosy and before she knew it the entire town would know about Michael's heists and her strip club so as long as they kept quiet about the what's and the why's, they were good.

Restoring the house was almost finished as well, just in time for the baby's due date next month. Tracey had flown back over from college during summer break so she could help Jimmy decorate the baby's room and let their parents enjoy what little spare time they had left before the arrival of the child. The timing couldn't have been any more off, the couple had been through more near-death in the past 8 months than Michael had in his entire life.

Yeah, it was getting that bad.

But they could still only see the baby as a blessing. Because through all the mayhem and uncertainty, they were still going to be rewarded with a beautiful child.

On this particular night, as she lay in bed waiting for Michael to come home from the store, she reflected on this. How life had given her a handful of shit and told her to clap, and even though her husband was the worst of the worst, he had still managed to come through on all the promises he made when they first got together. Even if it was in the most fucked up way, she had still gotten her nice house, nice car, and soon-to-be three children.

"Honey, I'm hooome." Michael said in a mocking tone as he kicked the hotel room door shut behind him.

"I can tell." Amanda chuckled.

Michael set the shopping down on the floor outside their en-suite bathroom and began to undress into his boxers before clambering into bed beside Amanda. It was the middle of August, and even though it was night time it was still 65 degrees out and Michael was hot. He debated kicking the sheets off the bed so he didn't feel any warmer but the glare Amanda was giving him told him not to.

"Okay, okay, I'm not gonna touch 'em." He threw his hands up defensively.

"Good." Amanda said, lifting her arm up so Michael could cuddle up to her.

They laid like this for a good half an hour or so, passing a joint between them that they definitely shouldn't be doing, but the window was open and if the hotel manager had any complaints he could kiss Amanda's ass for all she cared.

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