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FIB Headquarters, Los Santos, January of 2015

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FIB Headquarters, Los Santos, January of 2015

The next day, Amanda is at the FIB Headquarters with Michael before the sun's even fully up. She's impressed that Michael's body actually functions before 12pm, but she doesn't have much time to dwell on it. Now that she knows someone actually broke into her office last night to retrieve her bracelet to take it to a crime scene, she knew she had to say something to her bosses, Dave Norton and Steve Haines.

Now, you may be asking, how is Steve alive? Didn't Trevor clip him a few months ago? The short answer is yes. Slightly longer answer is that Steve miraculously survived, although now he can only speak a few short sentences before it hurts his head.

"Dave? We need to talk." She demands, bursting into his office with Michael lurking behind her. Dave and Steve both look up at the duo from their laptops, and with a sigh Dave pulls out two chairs for them both and insists they have a seat.

"I'm guessing this is about what I told you to watch last night?" He asked.

"Well, yes and no. I'm here because the piece of evidence they showed doesn't belong to the victim, it belongs to me."

Dave raised an eyebrow at her, prompting her to launch into the full story of everything that happened yesterday, from the message on the tag to the bracelet. Conveniently, when Amanda went to retrieve the box with the tag, it was gone, but luckily the photos had been left behind. Steve and Dave looked at them, and after analysing them for a good 2 minutes, Dave stood and began rummaging through his drawers.

"Yeah, so we do have a bit of a problem, actually," he muttered as he found the paper he was looking for, then sliding it to Amanda and Michael, "take a look at this."

On the paper, there were a list of names with a number at the side of them, ranging from 2 to 500. Steve finally joined in on the conversation and revealed that the smaller numbers represented millions, whilst the larger numbers only represented thousands. Amanda then asked why she was being shown this, and the next piece of information she was given shocked her to the core.

"It's basically an assassination list. Camille and Sean who were killed last night were worth $200,000, so in the next few days we just need to keep an eye on the stock markets and the killer could probably be tracked from there."

"But where's the money coming from?" Michael asked.

"At the crime scene last night there was a laptop with some sort of cryptic messaging thing open on it, with the texts being between someone calling themselves 'The Benefactor' and the other user just down as 'guest1'. The messages consisted of this benefactor guy asking for visual confirmation of the bodies, and then saying that he had transferred the money to the assassins account." Dave replied as he sat back down.

"Sooo we're gonna have half the city running around assassinating people for a bit of money? Who's even this rich anyway?" 

"Well," Dave said, "you might wanna check LifeInvader."

Michael frowned but opened LifeInvader anyway, and after a few minutes of scrolling he finally saw what Dave meant. Lester was going absolutely mad about his bank account being hacked, and being unable to access it because of a number of walls the hacker put up.

Whoever was doing this was smart.

"But what's the end game?"

"Uhh, Michael, take a look at this." Amanda gawked as she showed Michael another piece of paper, which just had both of their names in big bold letters and '25' at the side.

"We're worth 25 thousand? I'm kinda disappointed." Michael said.

"25 million, slick." Steve said, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs.

Later on that day, after being dismissed with promises of catching the benefactor, Michael and Amanda headed home. They were slightly on edge, knowing that just about anyone in the city had access to this list and therefore they could be killed at any moment. However, Amanda knew that her and Michael were priced so highly for a reason, and she doubted that some amateur would try coming for her without expecting to die before they got to the front door.

As soon as they got home, Amanda made a beeline for the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She tore the cabinet apart looking for her emergency supply of pregnancy tests, and did a little victory dance when she found them.

It's probably a false alarm - she hopes so anyway - but she's missed her period this month and has done nothing but throw up the past few days. She tells herself its the nerves of a new job and the threat to her life as she pees on the small stick, but like when she found out she was pregnant with Tracey, she already had a feeling what that test was going to say.

After the 5 minute waiting time is up, she wastes no time in looking at the test, and she's unsure if she should be delighted or horrified in the fact that she is indeed pregnant. But, she knew she didn't really have a choice in how to feel with everything that was going on right now, so with a nervous huff she went downstairs to break the news to her husband.

He was sat comfortably on the sofa, deeply engrossed in a film with a joint in his hand. As soon as he heard Amanda walk in, he moved his arms to rest at the back of the sofa so she could cozy up to him, an invitation that she gladly accepted.

They stayed like this for a while, Amanda head leaned on Michael's shoulder while his free hand rested on her ass, occasionally rubbing his thumb up and down comfortingly. She wished they could stay like this forever, but life was never that easy and she knew she had to tell Michael about the pregnancy at some point.


He hummed in response, his free hand now skimming up to her waist.

"I need to tell you something."


She lifted her head slightly to look him in his brilliant blue eyes, "I'm pregnant."

Michael's half shut eyes flew open.

"You're what?"

Amanda gave him a look.

"Of course you fuckin' are, such convenient timing," he sighed, "is it even mine?"

Amanda suddenly went from calm to as furious as the force of a category five hurricane. She fully pulled herself away from him and looked at him with such anger that Michael felt something inside him wither.

"Are you fucking jokin' me? Of course it's yours, you ass! I kept my word."

"Alright, alright!" Michael threw his hands up defensively, "I believe you."

"Good," Amanda said as she leaned back into Michael, "what do we do?"

"Dunno, what do you wanna do?" Michael asked, letting his free hand fall back to her waist.

"I'm not sure yet." She said with a sigh. Her husband just gave a small nod and kissed her head gently, almost like he was scared to break her. 

Of course, they probably should make a decision about what to do before this benefactor sends someone for them, but just for tonight, they wanted to pretend it didn't matter.

The new life they had created was a matter that could wait.



Yeah, so I decided a pregnancy could be a good twist to this story. Not really much more explaining to do than that, except it will become a very important matter later on.

Gender predictions?

Thankyou for reading 

-Phoenix, the worst author's note writer ever.

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