chapter (7); in a healing center 🏥

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I feel like my eyes are overwhelming as fuck they are not gonna open. I was attempting to open it but my battle isn't took five minutes nearly which feels like decades, to open my eyes gradually all I see is the healing center ceiling, not the ceiling of my home. I was flabbergasted to discover my presumption is adjusted when I trynna thrust myself out of the bed but couldn't do it my body parts particularly my legs feel numb and overwhelming, couldn't feel my legs gradually see around the nurture wave at me "Hello, welcome back " "thank god you wake up " with that, she goes absent I feel exceptionally apprehensive and really, freeze that why I am here? who brings me to the hospital what happened to me along the way back home? many questions are running in my intellect I see down at my legs I saw a gigantic gauze and blood spot on it, I yelled in freeze. "Hello, is somebody is here to let me know what happened to me? "how did I get in here ?"

to be continued ⏩ 

to be continued ⏩ 

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