chapter(6): searching for a work opening

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I was like a mess and pushed out around my second-time work presently my father's protections cash I utilized as of now for my one-month school charge and my domestic bills. presently I do not indeed have a penny to pay or to eat I stopped eating at lunchtime from the school shop. I was gnawing my nails all the time push slaughtering me .amid one free address I looked for a work every single app I see nothing but sadness moreover I am not experienced and not qualified I have didn't indeed wrap up school I moreover look within the daily paper due to my disillusionment there wasn't a legitimate work for me. I inquired so numerous classmates who do part-time occupations and their profits are great but no one is willing to assist me I keep hiding and my entirety time passed whereas considering almost it after school closes, I chose to go to each lodging, club, infant Middle for a work every single trust was gone. push freeze uneasiness makes my intellect overflowed I do not know how I incidentally cross the street within the off-base way until a blue Ferrari hit me and I passed out, all the terrible things keep happening to me. that's what comes to intellect sometime recently my eyes get closed and obscurity devoured me proceed ⏩


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