Chapter 2:the Party stopped.

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Alnus Hill, Falmart.

Imperial Calendar 687

it was a new day on the sacred hill of Alnus as Emperor Molt Sol Augustus prepared to give a speech to the imperial army, the most power on the land. now the Gate had opened, he planned on expanding his empire into this new world. a grand force of 100k of legionaries plus 50k auxiliaries made up of goblin, orc, warrior bunnies, elves, and dark elves, and many more, along with 500 members of the wyvern corps, they were unstoppable. Now they had a job to spread their Emperor's influence to the barbarians on the other side of the Gate.

the imperial army before the invasion and the gate opened they have around 1 million standing military forces with 550k in reserve. it was also known that the Saderan Empire was huge and have the most territory in Falmart. it is yet their time when the gate has opened in Alnus Hill. the time for them to invade the world beyond it and civilized them.

"Glorious citizens of the Empire, the time is right to bring civilization to those who reside on the other side of the Gate" He triumphantly shouted to the army before him. Off to his left stood his Sons, prince Zorzal El Ceaser and Diabo El Ceaser. And to his right were his daughter, Pina Co Lada, and her order of elite Rose Knights. They all stood proudly as their father gave his speech.

"I must say father, this seems a bit much for a simple conquest over a few barbarian tribes," Pina said.

"Nonsense" Her brother Zorzal said proudly. "They will learn our true might so that they never cross us, or do you want a repeat of the vassal rebellion?" He of course referred to when the vassals of the Empire had tried to rebel and had paid a heavy price for their treachery.

"Of course not brother, it just seems a bit much. Shouldn't they be watching over the vassals on our borders?"

Suddenly a voice from behind interrupted her. "Worry not Princess, they will stay in line or else". It was the voice of her trusted mentor, Grey Co Aldo. They wouldn't dare only seven years after their previous attempt."

Zorzal chimed in again, only this time the information the dark elf scouts sent a few days prior. " and from what our scouts reported, the nation was invading was just a huge world with less resistance and the world was majestic with tower reach to the heavens and richness. the resistance we get is just some strange blue metal people with red eyes and black staffs patrolling some areas. they even brought their flag from their garden."

"hahaha, how is a pathetic nation cannot protect itself." Laughed Norma Co Igloo at the nation's feebleness and weaknesses.

"One that will bow to our Empires righteous might" replied Zorzal, who was grinning eagerly at the prospect of new slaves.

"However these people and the nation we are invading has possessed great magic, our scouts reported that the information they got is an army of metal people coming in big number long with horseless carriages one that can float in midair too," Grey said.

"This place might be a vassal of some kind; our scout had seen our enemy map. what it explains is they controlled many worlds according to what it says is 10k of them all of them and  march with the same flag as them which also the place filled with many unique demihumans on one place according to the scout, those people would make worthy slaves."

"It doesn't matter if they are a vassal or not" Zorzal spat. "They will fall and so will their liege nation with them."

"Your highnesses, I bring important information about the other nations on the other side of the Gate". a dark elf said. He kneeled and saluted to the royals and nobles before him.

"Rise scout, and tell us what you have found," said the voice of Grey.

"I have recovered a map detailing the entirety of the other world sires." As he unrolled the map and presented it to them, they all stood. there are strange stuff and stars that were put in the picture with grey territory along with a yellow mark that was known to be a major planet and another more key place of the FIS. in which leaves everyone in confusion because the map looks so strange in their eyes. since the map was almost resembled like a galactic map.

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