5. It Shouldn't be so Complicated

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The next words echoed against the walls like a scream down an empty corridor.

"Dramatic? Look at you, you psychopath."

And with that, the man was gone. And the restaurant was eerily silent.

Mitch didn't know what to do. He couldn't look up. He placed his head in his hands, feeling every negative emotion all at once.

He's right. You're a fucking psychopath. You did all of this to forget someone whom you don't even know if you like, chasing a ghost of a person who never even actually existed. You're an idiot, Mitch Grassi.

"You okay?"

Mitch groaned in response, refusing to look up. This wasn't happening.


He opened his eyes to find that Scott's were soft and concerned, looking at him with compassion.

He was rendered speechless by them.

Mitch glanced over towards Scott's table, and saw the girl looking at her phone, sitting there alone.

"I'm fine. Just a misunderstanding," Mitch replied, praying that he wouldn't cry.

"Sounds like Tequila Man is a bit of a dick."

Mitch was surprised that Scott recognized Greg at all. He must have been paying closer attention than Mitch had thought, that night at the club.

"Tequila Man? Bus Boy?"

Scott laughed gently and sat at the edge of the booth, and Mitch's heart fluttered again. "I never said I was all that clever. But my nicknames get the job done."

Mitch was already starting to feel better, and part of him hated that.

"He thought we were going somewhere, I guess."

"And you don't want to?"

Mitch shook his head.

"Hmm. Well, sounds like he just got attached. Can't blame him."


"I was pretty devastated, too. Not enough to scream at you in a crowded restaurant. But it certainly stung a little."

His tone was teasing, but his face held a serious expression that confused Mitch more than anything.

"Why were you devastated?"

"You blocked me."

How did he know?

"I can explain that."

Shut up, Mitch. No you can't.

Scott held up his hands. "I came on too strong. I understand just fine. I just wanted to see if you're okay. And you know... alleviate the pressure of the eyes of every single person in this place being on you?"

"You didn't come on too strong," Mitch challenged, weakly.

"Convincing. Well, either way, I can't blame the poor guy. A sexy little thing like you turning us down is pretty tough on the ego."

Mitch thought he might faint as he thought back to his version of Scott.

Scott held up his hands in defeat. "Sorry, sorry. But Mitch, come on. Why the hell would they put me in here with a sexy little thing like you if I were a sex addict? You wouldn't stand a chance."

Scott was laughing, but his words seemed serious.

"Sexy... little thing? What?"

"You're all tongue-tied. It's actually very cute."

"What did you just say?"

Scott's eyes widened for a minute. "Too much again? Sorry. My honesty is a bit of a curse sometimes."

Mitch stood up, feeling dizzy. "You should get back to your date..."

Scott laughed as he stood from the table as well. "Like you, I have a girl for a best friend. Her name is Rozzi, and she thinks you're cute, too."

Mitch wanted to run, but his feet wouldn't move, as Scott opened his mouth to continue. "Anyway, I'm sorry that you seem to have to beat us all off with a bat, Mitch. I'll leave you alone now. I promise. Just take care of yourself, okay? Don't take that shit from anyone. No one should be yelling at you."

He turned back towards his table, and Mitch reached out a hand to hold him back. As soon as he made contact with the skin of Scott's arm, he pulled back as though he had been burned, feeling overwhelmed by the contact.

He shook off the feeling as quickly as he could. "You didn't come on too strong, and I was just figuring some things out. I'm sorry I ghosted you. That was extremely immature of me. I feel awful."

Scott smiled. "Not that serious, Mitch. Just feel free to unblock me anytime you want. Deal?"

"Can I unblock you now?"

Scott looked back at Rozzi for a moment, as though he was deep in thought. "You hungry? Want to join us?"

Mitch couldn't help but think of the hospital again.

"I'll be your friend. If you'll let me?"

Scott sniffled, and bumped his shoulder against Mitch's.

It was the pretty shoulder, with the flowers beautifully wrapped around it. Mitch's heart skipped a beat.

"I think I'd like that. Thank you."

Mitch smiled. "I think I'd like that. Thank you."

Scott gestured for him to follow and made his way back towards the table.

"But wait-" Mitch started before he could stop himself. "Are you hungry?"

Scott turned towards him again, raising an eyebrow. "I'm always hungry."

Mitch's heart sank.

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