Chapter 18

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Tears fell down Anna's face from fear. She was scared as hell, alone and not able to move. She tried moving the zip ties from her wrist, but they cut more into her skin the more she moved. 

15 minutes went by and she heard another car. Scared that it would be the same guys, she prepared herself for the worst. The car stopped and David and Ben stepped out. 

"Mhmm mhmm." She did her best to yell for help with the gag still on. David rushed to her, getting her to her feet.

"You're okay honey. We got you." David assured her as he took the gag and zip ties off her. 

"Thanks." Anna said, taking some deep breaths. "How did you know to come look for me?" Before David could answered, Ben did. 

"This is how." Ben picked up something from the ground and walked to them. "It's Aj's watch." David gasped and went and took it from Ben. David started pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself. Ben walked over to Anna. 

"Don't mind him, he's just worried and a little mad at Aj." Ben smiled. 

"Why is he mad?" Anna asked, thinking that he couldn't be mad at Aj for getting kidnapped.
"The only rule the twins made with their father, was to never ever take the watches off so he could always find them and Aj broke that." Ben said as they walked to the car. "But my guess is that she did it to make sure you were okay." Anna gasped as she learned the truth. Aj gave up the one thing that could help them find her, to make sure she was safe. 

All three jumped into David's car and drove straight to the police station. David called Alex on the way.

"Hey dad." Alex said as he answered the phone.
"Where are you?" David asked as he focused on driving. 

"At the beach watching the sunset with the guys, why?" Alex said, sounding a little worried. "Did something happen?"

"Go to the HPD right now. Take everyone with you." David asked quickly. "Why?" Alex asked again.
"Just do it son. We'll meet you there." David said as he hung up the phone. Ben had texted the rest of the team what had happened and to come to the station.

Not another word was said before they arrived at the station. They rushed in and was met by the team and the teenagers. Ag was the first to reach Anna and embrace her in a hug. 

"Dad, what is going on?" Alex asked, more worried now because Aj was nowhere to be seen. David guided them to the table so he could see them all once. Ag still had an arm around Anna to make sure she was okay. 

"Sosa escaped from Halawa earlier tonight and he took Aj." David breathed out, mostly watching his son. All their eyes went wide, shocked by the information. The kids looked at Anna and then back to David, knowing that she had properly witnessed it.

"But you can find her, right?" Eric was the first to ask. Alex nodded. "Just ping her watch and we can find her." David shock his head and pull the watch out of his pocket. 

"She took it off, to make sure that we found Anna." David smiled, proud of what Aj had done for Anna. Alex could not help but smiled either, also proud of his sister. 

"So how do we find her?" Jim asked, breaking the father and son out of the proud moment.
"We need to check his known associates and see if they..." David was caught off as a video call popped up on the screen. David made everyone move, so he was the only one visible on the screen and asked Malia to track the call. He picked up the call and an old man's face popped up. 

"Hello David." The man said. "Good to see you again." He continued with a smirk on his face. 

"Sosa... What did you do to my daughter?" David asked as calmly as he could. Sosa put the camera down and stepped aside. Behind him on a chair was Aj, tied up. She had a blooding nose as if they had hit her. The group gasped as they took in her state. 

"You got yourself a fighter Delgado. Just like her grandfather." Sosa said as he grabbed Aj's face in his hand. Aj spit him in the face. Sosa stepped back and slapped her across the face. 

"Don't you dare hurt her!" David yelled. "What do you want?" Sosa smiled and walked closer to the camera, still with a smirk on his face.  

"I'm getting off this damn island and you are gonna let me. If not, you'll get your little girl home in a body bag." Sosa said into the camera. Before David could answer, Aj spoke up. 

"You know that you won't get away with this." She chuckled. "My father won't let you." This fueled Sosa's fire and he walked back and slapped her across the face again. 

"One last thing you want to say to your daddy, little girl?" Sosa asked Aj and he grabbed her face again. Aj said something, but no one could hear it.
"What?" Sosa asked as he let go of her face.
"Dad?" Aj said as she looked at the camera.
"I'm here honey." David said, worried for his little girl. 

"Tell Eric that I might be late for our hike." Aj said with a smirk. Sosa looked at her confused, thankfully not getting the hint. Sosa walked to the camera again. 

"Bye bye David." Sosa smirked and hung up the call. David turned his attention to Malia.
"Did you find them?" David asked. Malia shock her head. "He knows what he's doing." Alex looked at Eric who started pacing back and forth. 

"Eric, what did she mean by that?" Alex asked, confused like the rest of the people in the room. Eric kept walking back and forth, not answering the question and mumbling to himself. 

"E!" Will said loudly, getting his brother to stop. Eric looked up and smiled. 

"I know where she is!" Eric said walking to the computer on the table and started typing. "A couple of weeks ago, Aj and I wanted to go surfing before school, but it was flat, so we went for a hike instead. We went hiking at Manoa falls and ended up going a bit of the trail. We ended up on a cliff and could see an abandoned building. We couldn't get down to it, so we turned back." Eric explained as he pulled the trail and the abandon building up on the screen. 

"Malia, pull up the satellite feed." David said. Malia took over for Eric and pulled up the satellite picture as asked. The picture showed 4 cars parked out front and men walked back and forth as guards. 

"Are you sure that this is where she is?" David asked, looking at Eric. 

"Yes, I am sure." Eric nodded. 

"Okay, let's go." David said and went to his office to grab his vest. "Adam, we need you to stay here and keep an eye on the feed in case something changes." David added as he come out of his office. 

"What can we do?" Alex asked. They were all ready to go with them but knew David wouldn't let them. 

"Stay here son." David said. "Adam might need your help."
"Can we stay too?" Ag asked. David smiled. "Of course you can."

"Let's go bring our girl home." Ben said as they walked out.

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