Chapter 8

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The group walked back to the Delgado house in silence. And not the awkward kind, just a calming one. 

"Do you want to go and sit by the fireplace for a bit?" Aj asked. It was only a bit after 10pm, but it had been a long day, so it was understandable if they wanted to go home. None of them were drunk, some were a bit tipsy, but that was it. The girls looked at each other and nodded; the locals were already in. 

They walked to the backyard and sat down around the fire. David came out just as they sat down. 

"Hey kids." He said. "How did it go?" The girls didn't know what to say. They weren't sure how honest the twins were with their father. 

"It was fine." Aj said. "Just the normal drama with Derrick and his friends."
"That boy is just begging to be arrested one day." David chuckled. "And trust me, I'll be more then happy to do it." The kids laughed at the comment. 

"If you are hungry, there are sandwiches in the kitchen." David said. "I have to go; we just got a crime scene."
"Okay, be save." Alex said. David nodded and left. 

"I could eat." Eric said. He was always hungry, so no surprise there.
"I'll go get the food." Aj said and stood up.
"Let me help." Anna said and went with her. They walked to the kitchen and found the sandwiches. 

"How about drinks?" Anna asked and took the plate with the sandwiches.
"Good idea." Aj grabbed a few waters and sodas from the fridge. Anna was about to walk out of the kitchen when Aj stopped her. 

"Wait." She said. She put the drinks on the table and leaned on it. Anna put the plate on the table and did the same. 

"I'm sorry." Aj continued.
"For what?" 

"For the diner... For the beach... And now for the party." She said. "I'm sorry you have to experience it." Anna knew what she was talking about.

"It's not your fault Aj, you don't have to apologize." Anna said with a smile. Aj gave her a smile back and grabbed her hand. She didn't say anything, she just looked down at their hands for a minute. 

"I know it's not my fault, I just still think you need an apology; all of you do." Aj started. "Even if it's not from the ones you deserve it from." Anna smiled; she couldn't believe her. One thing was people apologizing for what they had down, she always respected everyone who did that. But here Aj was, apologizing for something someone else had done. 

Anna pulled her into a hug, her arm went around her next as Aj wrapped hers around Anna's waist. They stood there, just holding each other.

Anna was the first to pull away. Still with their arms around each other, her eyes found Aj's. She looked down at her lips before looking into her eyes again. Anna smiled when she caught Aj doing the same. They leaned in at the same time, but just as their lips were about to touch; Eric's voice filled the kitchen. 

"Where's the sand-" He stopped as soon as he saw the scene in front of him. Anna and Aj jumped from each other quickly, but Eric had seen them. Eric didn't do awkward moments, he just smiled and chuckled. "Don't mind me." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plate with the sandwiches. "Please continue." He added as he walked out. Anna and Aj looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. 

"We should go join the other." Aj smiled. Anna nodded. They grabbed the drinks and went outside to the others. The grin on everyone's face, it was clear to them that Eric had told them what he had seen in the kitchen but none of them said anything.

They sat down and started eating the sandwiches, and Emily suggested a game.
"How about never have I ever?" Lauren suggested.
"Sure." and "Why not." sounded from the group.

"Great, I'll start." Lauren said. They weren't drinking and agreed that drinks from their water or soda was fine. Lauren thought about her question for a few seconds before saying it. 

"Never have I ever stolen anything." Lauren asked. "And not from someone you know, from a stranger." Both set of twins, Emily, Ag, Carson and Avery took a sip.
"Wow." Soph chuckled. "With a father as a cop?" She looked at Aj and Alex, who both shrugged.

"Does your father know?" Ag asked. 
"He does." Aj said. "You'll only be kids once, but don't make it a habit. That is what he said when he found out." 

"Your dad is chill." Avery chuckled.

"Okay, let's continue." Will said. "Never have I ever cried for killing a fish." Will chuckled and looked at his brother who gave him a scroll back. The rest laughed at the comment.
"Really Eric?" Lauren asked. 

"I was 5 and it looked so sad." Everyone laughed even more.
"If that's how you want to play this." Eric smirked and Will regretted his question. "Never have I ever liked someone in this group." Everyone but Carson and Alex took a sip. 

"Well cheers Carson." Alex chuckled, the same did Carson. The rest looked between each other, they were pretty sure they knew who they each liked, but none of them said anything.

They stopped the game and just talked. It was almost12 when the girls agreed that it was time to go home. The girls hopped into thecar and drove back to their hotel. The twins had offered them to say, but they saidthey were just going to go back to the hotel to sleep. 

"Tell us everything!" Emmi squealed. Anna laughed; she knew they were going toask as soon as they were alone. 

"Nothing happened guys." Anna chuckled. "Something almost happened, but Ericruined the moment."

"Tell us!" Soph said.
"She apologized for everything that happened with Derrick the last few days."
"Why? It wasn't her fault." Emmi wondered. 

"I also told her that." Anna said. "But she still believed we all needed anapology for everything, even if she wasn't the one, we deserved it from." The girlsgushed over the twin, how sweet she was.
"Then what?" Ag asked.
"I didn't know what to say, so I hugged her and she hugged me back." Annasmiled thinking back. "When we pulled away from the hug, we looked at eachother and both started to lean in."  


"And then Eric came into the kitchen..."
"Did you want to kiss her?" Avery asked. Anna smiled, she really did. "I did." 

"You'll get another chance." Emmi assured her. Anna nodded, she hoped she did.She was sure that Aj also felt something for her, I mean she had asked her out. 

She had to feel something for her, didn't she?

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