Chapter 16

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David called everyone on the way back from the prison. He told them that there was nothing to worry about, that he had gotten Sosa off their backs for now. David walked into the office and the kids were still there, just talking and ignoring the real world.

"Hey guys." David said.
"How did it go?" Alex asked. David explained to the kids what had happened. Again, maybe not the best thing to talk to kids about, but the Delgado family had always told each other everything and David was not about to change that now. 

"You should go home. I need to do some paperwork, so I'll meet you there." David said and walked to his office. The teens walked out of the station before realizing they didn't have a car. The twins' car was lying at the button of cliff and Emily's was at Kaka'ako park.

"Well now what?" Emily asked. Everyone shrugged their shoulders except Alex. He ran back into the building, coming out a few minutes after with the keys to David's car. 

"Do you wanna go back to your house or you want to go back to your hotel?" Alex asked the girls. 

"Can we come with you?" Anna asked looking at Aj. Aj smiled back at her. 

"Of course." Alex said and looked at the other girls to make sure it was okay, they nodded.
"Okay. Eric, Emmi, Ag, Emily and I will go and get Emily's car and then we'll come back to get you guys, is that okay?" Alex suggested, looking mostly at the people he had suggested to stay behind. Everyone nodded, okay with the plan. 

"We'll just start walking towards the park." Will said.
They split up into groups, one drove off with the car and the other started walking. Will and Lauren walked in front and Aj and Anna walked a little behind them. 

"You really scared me, you know." Lauren said to Will, talking about the car accident. 

"I know. I'm sorry." Will said. He felt like taking a chance and grabbed her hand in his, intertwined their fingers. Lauren looked down at their hands before looking at Will with a smile on her face.

"I need to..." they both started saying. 

"You first." Will said. "No, you go." Lauren insisted. 

"I... I like you Lauren. And I don't just mean like a friend." Will said and Lauren gave him a smile. She didn't get to say anything before he continued. "I have like you for a long time now and didn't know how to tell you. I don't want to ruin our friendship, but after what happened today, I needed to tell you." Will kept his eyes on the ground as they walked slowly. 

Lauren didn't say anything, and Will thought the worst. A pull in his arm made Will stop. Lauren had stopped and pulled his arm. Will looked at her and was relieved when he saw a smile on Lauren's face, that could only be a good thing.

"I like you too Will." Lauren smiled and put her hand on Will's cheek, pulling him down towards her into a kiss. Will was in shock at first, definitely not expecting this but quickly kissed back. They kissed for a few seconds before Lauren pulled away. They had the biggest smile on their faces.

Aj and Anna walked behind and watched the whole scene play out. Aj already knew they had the hots for each other, but Anna had no idea which kinda made sense. 

"I didn't know they liked each other." Anna chuckled. 

"Yeah, they had pretty much been love with each other for years. They just didn't want to risk their friendship, which I can understand. But I understand why they just told each other." Aj said. 


"Because of what just happened. Can you imagine losing someone without telling them how you really feel? I know I can't." Aj said looking at the ground. 

"I can't either." Anna said and grabbed Aj's hand, making her look at her. 

"I'm sorry about everything today." Aj said. "I dragged you and your friends into this whole mess."
"Don't apologize, this isn't your fault." 

"I know, but you could have been hurt." Aj said. She hadn't really had time to think about what had actually happened today and it was really hitting her hard now. 

"But I wasn't. None of us were." Anna said and stopped walking. "You, Alex and your father made sure of that." Aj didn't know what to say. She knew Anna was right, but she still felt guilty. Anna put her hands on her neck and Aj's hand automatically went to Anna's waist. They looked at each other and like in the kitchen, they started to lean in. Their lips in a sweet kiss, quickly becoming passionate. Aj squeezed Anna's hips as she moved her lips with hers, tasting the sweetness of Anna's lip balm.

Anna was the first to pull away, running out of breathe. They looked at each other, both with a smile and blush on their face. Anna let out a soft chuckled and Aj followed. Aj pecked her lips once again before grabbing her hand as they started walking again to catch up to Will and Lauren. 

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