Pinky Promise Part 12

Start from the beginning

Blinking Beth attempted a smile, "I don't know what you're talking about," she said moving to go around him only for him to sidestep in front of her.  "Oh don't use that act on me I know you better than that," he said angrily with his arms crossed, "You said that shit to that asshole just to get a reaction.  Now you've got one, from me" he yelled.

"Daryl," Rick warned.

Spinning Daryl glared at the man behind him, "No, you didn't see how he looked at her," he spat.

Furrowing her brow Maggie looked at her sister, "What did you say, Bethie?"

Shrugging Beth sighed, "I told him I helped to take care of the newborn here and then I asked if he had any children," she stated.

"Beth!" Maggie exclaimed while Merle laughed loudly.  "Damn Blondie, didn't think you had that in you."

Others were saying things but Beth drowned them out as Daryl stood glaring at her.  Finally snapping Beth stomped her foot, "Stop!" she exclaimed, cutting off everyone's opinions, "I didn't mean to piss him off but when he took my hand it was revolting and I couldn't help myself.  You act as though you always control what you say," she said, shooting a glare at Daryl before marching past him into the prison.

Vaguely she heard her father telling everyone to get inside that they were too exposed outside.  Entering the cellblock Beth saw that Carol had a meal waiting for them, "Thank you," she said gratefully taking the bowl of stew and heading towards where Carl sat with Judith.  

Once everyone else had come in and settled with their own bowls Rick cleared his throat, "So I met this man who calls himself the Governor.  Sat with him for quite awhile.  I'll make it clear he wants this prison.  He wants us gone and he wants us dead.  Now I once said this wasn't a democracy, that my decisions are final, but if I do that I'm no better than this Governor.  Before we talk about what our options are, I want to know Hershel, Beth, Daryl what's your opinion of those he brought with him?" Rick asked.

"I sat with his advisor for a bit, Milton," Hershel said, "He seems to be a smart man, a planner, and I don't think he's holding this Governor in a very high opinion, especially after what you told him Bethie," Hershel continued looking at Beth.

Laughing Maggie eyed her, "Good Lord little sister what did you say to this man?" she asked good naturedly.  

Smiling Beth shrugged as she took another bite of stew as Hershel answered for her, "Milton has a notebook that he's keeping for record of things that happen.  He made the mistake of calling what the Governor did here as a battle and Bethie made sure he understood our side of things.  Honestly, I thought the man was going to be sick, so I think if we can overcome this Governor that Milton could be someone we could work with," Hershel responded.

Nodding Rick agreed, "From what Andrea has said he seems to have his head on straight.  What about the other one?  Any swaying him?" Rick asked looking at Daryl.  "Hard to say," he answered shrugging, "He's lost his family.  I think he's just following the leader, don't think he's loyal though."

Considering Rick looked at Beth, "Any other thoughts?" he asked her.

"I agree with Daddy.  Milton doesn't seem like he has the stomach for what's been going on and Martinez I'd say he's given up.  He said all this was all bullshit that nothing was going to be worked out and I tried telling him it didn't have to be that way.  He said I was dreaming, but it's like Daryl said he's lost his family.  He's got nothing to live for so, like Merle, no offence Merle, but he's like a puppet just going along with it because he hasn't found anything better," she reasoned out.

"So the problem is this Governor, not his people per say," Rick said looking  around the room as everyone agreed.  

"Well I hate to tell ya Officer Friendly but this could've been your shot at taking him out," Merle told him.  

Nodding Rick looked at Merle, "As much as it pains me to agree with him, Merle may be right," Rick announced holding his hand up as some of the others started talking, "This is why we need to have a conversation about what to do but before we do there's one more thing you need to know.  He's said he wants Michonne," Rick told them looking at Michonne, "He claims if we hand her over he'll leave us alone."

"And  I call liar on that one," Glenn piped up, "He's not the type to stick to his word."

Nodding Maggie agreed, "I'm not okay with handing Michonne over to him," she stated as Carol and Beth both agreed with her.  "So if we're not going to hand Michonne over, what's the plan?" Carl asked.

"The trade was to go down in two days so we've got a day to figure out what we're going to do," Rick told them, "I told you all about what he wants so that everyone understands it's either him or Michonne."

"We have to let him bring the fight here," Daryl spoke up.  

"Here?" Carol questioned.  

Nodding Merle agreed, "Little brother's right.  We can't take this to him.  He'll have that meeting joint surrounded by now and any sight of any of us they'll start shooting."

"Then we leave," Rick voiced, "Or we make it look like we left.  We load up, take the cars, and head out.  Double back around come back in through the admin side where the fence is still down and we make our stand," Rick decided.

"Can we agree though that the only ones we shoot at are the ones that are shooting at us and our ultimate goal is the Governor, no one else?" Beth asked, "From what Merle told Daryl he doesn't have a lot of able bodied men so the ones that are going to be fighting for him are probably mostly innocents," she told them all.

Snorting Merle looked at Daryl, "Interesting pillow talk you two have."

"Shut up, Merle," Daryl responded, rolling his eyes.  Nodding Rick seemed to agree with her as they put together their plan.

Once the plan was laid out Beth was so tired she didn't even care that she had been put on baby duty and would be effectively sitting out of the fight along with Carl, who was not happy, and her father.  Glancing at the petulant look on Carl's face Beth sighed, "You want me to put her to bed?" she questioned indicating Judith asleep in his arms.

Nodding he handed her the baby without a word.  Standing Beth yawned, "Good night everyone," she said, stopping to kiss her daddy on his cheek.  "Good night Doodlebug," he replied quietly.

Making her way tiredly up the steps Beth walked into Judith's cell stopping short confused, "What the hell?" she muttered before hearing the footsteps coming up the steps.  Glancing over her shoulder she saw Merle leaning against the railing staring at her.

Raising her brow she rolled her eyes, "Apparently you're more interested in our pillow talk then you let on," she commented before turning and heading into the cell.  

She heard him snort before shuffling to the opening of the cell, "Well ain't like I hear much else coming from that cell.  When ya gonna make a man outta my little brother?" he taunted.

Pausing in changing Judith's diaper Beth looked over her shoulder at the impossible man, "Why do you feel when you do something nice you have to follow it up with something asinine?" she questioned before turning back to finish her task, "You know I don't think you're nearly as bad as you want to pretend you are, Merle Dixon," she continued as she dressed Judith into her onesie.  

Picking the baby up Beth turned around and placed her gently in the pack and play that was now pushed in the farthest corner as the bed's had been removed from the wall.  Once she was settled Beth walked back to where Merle stood in the doorway watching her.

Tilting  her head she smiled, "You did something nice.  Take the thank you and the hug," she said wrapping her arms around the large man and squeezing, "And don't be an ass," she told him before ducking under his arm and heading for her own cell.

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