20: Secrets ༄

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Speaking of Jungkook, she realized she'd better get downstairs quickly before he really did eat her food.

Once she was sure she looked presentable, she stepped out of the bathroom and into the hallway outside Hoseok and Jin's room. The door separating the right wing from the overlook was open, with Jeffrey nowhere to be seen, and so were the other bedroom doors. Giving into her curiosity, Eden peeked her head in each room— half of her wanted to see if anyone was around, and the other half was just curious to see what everyone's room looked like. Somehow, even without knowing for sure, she could already guess which room was who's.

Phone placed on one pillow with a book on the other? Namjoon and Jungkook.

Pillows thrown around and a lumpy bedspread? Jimin and Taehyung.

Chair pulled up to one side of the bed?

She paused for a moment, idling outside the room she originally shared with Yoongi. The rich royal blue hues illuminated by the sunlight almost made the room look like the picture perfect definition of serenity, but the mounds of wet and crumpled tissues in the garbage can told the story of the truth.

From the looks of things, Jin had to have slept in that chair the night before. The side of the bed closest to the window was just how she left it, with the blanket partially peeled away in her attempt to find entertainment. The only noticeable difference was that her pillow was now on Yoongi's side

The blonde must have been in a worse mental state than Eden thought if Jin sacrificed his comfort to watch him all night. It bothered her to imagine what images could've been going through his head, and what raw emotions those images dug up from the burrows of his mind he swore had frozen over.

And it still bothered her that she couldn't help.

"If you're looking for him, he's downstairs."

Eden whipped around to see Jin leaning against the door frame separating the right wing from the rest of the overpass. His hair was pulled off his forehead, tattoos and piercings on full display under his short sleeve t-shirt. Surprisingly, his eyes were bright, like he slept for days in the plushest bed money could afford rather than a creaky chair.

He reached an inked hand out to her, his familiar and soft smile adorning his features. "Jungkook told me to come check on you since you were taking a bit," he explained. "Did you get lost?"

"Kind of," she mumbled. She placed her palm in his and stepped over to where he was standing. Unsurprisingly, her racing thoughts stilled and she felt a wave of peace wash over her. A tiny smile found its way to her face as she looked up at him. "How are you?"

Jin shook his head, holding Eden's hand tight as he led her through the overpass. "Don't worry about me," he smiled. "I'm alright. How are you?"

"Well rested," she answered. "But concerned, and a little anxious?"

"I'm assuming the concern is for Yoongi," he mumbled. "Why the anxiety?"

"Partially because I'm scared Jungkook really ate my food, but honestly I think it's just the atmosphere."

Jin nodded, minding their steps as they started their descent down the stairs. "Fair enough," he said, after a moment. He sighed, stretching his free arm up and over his head. "Well, I think Jungkook said something about taking you exploring today. Yoongi was going to do it, but he has... business to attend to."

Eden blinked. "Business?"

The taller man nodded, a glint of agitation in his eyes. "Apparently there are some... 'family matters' to be discussed, things that we aren't allowed to hear. So the rest of us have been given the okay to do leisurely activities today."

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