"H-Huh?!" I stammer, feeling my cheeks heat up as I'm taken aback. "Heeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

"This proves my point further...kehehehe..."

"Huh? Whaddya mean?"

"We are very alike, Jinnouchi. Confident on the outside yet we get flustered very easily," he slurs. I slowly begin to realise that what he just said makes total sense.

"So, is this a game now?" I ask.

"Might as well make it one," Tanaka replies.

"It's on!"

"The flirting game, we shall call it. There is no end to it, no winner, no loser. Just the thrill of seeing the other one flustered I suppose," he explains, filling up his cup with dark red slushie.

"Got it," I nod, smirking to myself. I pour some purple slushie into my cup, then move along the dispensers, blue, green, yellow, orange and finally red to create a rainbow slushie. I stick the straw right in the middle and walk towards the checkout where Kaz and Gundham are waiting for me.

I squeeze myself beside Kaz and place my slushie on the counter. The man at the till points at all three in turn, muttering some numerical gibberish before asking Kaz for some money. Kaz pulls out some coins from his black jeans and placing them on the counter. The cashier smiles at us all and we thank him before exiting the shop.

We walk across the pavement towards a nearby skatepark. I place the straw between my lips and take a sip of my slushie, humming in delight as the many flavours linger on my tongue.

I stroll beside Gundham and look up at him, plucking the paper straw from my mouth.

"Hey," I speak casually, locking my gaze onto his.

"Hello Jinnouchi," he smirks.

"So...we're really doing this huh," I giggle nervously.

"Yes. I suppose it shall be...fun," he mutters. "However, we should put out there that whatever happens, this is completely platonic."

I nod frantically. "Yeah, 'course. This is all a bit of fun after all," I agree.

"Also, no physical contact."

"Yup, yup. Whatever you want."

"Alright, so those are the two rules of this game."


"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Kaz asks, cocking his head back to look at us.

"Oh, I'll explain at the skate park," I smile reassuringly.

"Heheh, lucky for me we've already arrived."

We all look up and see many high ramps inked with strange, multi-coloured graffiti and rude words written in thick marker.

"Ooh! Let's go sit on top of that huge ramp over there!" I suggest, pointing to the tallest ramp there is.

"Yes, let's. It shall give us a wonderful view of the night sky brimming with stars," Gundham agrees.

"I'm in! First one to the top is the winner!" Kaz announces.

I smirk to myself and rush past Kazuichi to the ramp. With all my strength and willpower, I begin to run up the steep ramp, panting heavily, depending on my stamina. I'm going to win this. Definitely. I'm going to-


"T-Tanaka-san?!" I shriek as I reach the top. "How?!"

He suddenly chuckles and points to a staircase on the other side of the ramp. Kaz and I face palm at our stupidity and Gundham laughs at us.

"Sooooo," Kaz slurs with drawn out words, shuffling closer to me. "What were you and Gundham talking about?"

"Well, it's a long story. So Tanaka-kun and I agreed to play a little game between the two of us called the flirting game as we both found out we enjoy seeing people get flustered, and the two of us do easily. So we just started the game for our pleasure," I explain.

"And is there some sort of prize or way to determine a winner?"

"Nope, it's just a bit of fun. However there are two rules. No physical contact and everything stays completely platonic."

"Oh. Is there a way the game ends then?"


Hang on. I just had a splendid idea. 

A rule that should be added immediately.

"Actually Kaz, I still need to talk that through with Tanaka-kun."

"Oh, alright!"

"Tanakaaaaa!" I call. He looks up at us from the bottom of the ramp and cocks his head.


"I need to speak to you. It's about the game."

"Oh, ok. Follow my lead then."

I slide down the smooth, steep, metal ramp and walk alongside Gundham. He takes me inside the ramp into a quiet and dark area.

"So, what do you require Jinnouchi-chan?" he smirks, propping his arm up against the wall.

"Well, I came up with a pretty important rule," I explain.

"Go on," he murmurs.

"If one of us starts to fall for the other, we should stop the game."

Gundham looks wistfully into the darkness for a moment before nodding, giving me a sideways glance.

"That is a good rule," he finally agrees. "We will not want any...unnecessary feelings getting in the way of our friendship."

Alright, now that that's set in stone, there shouldn't be any problems. I can just...have fun with him.



whastfw ther fuckcjk

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