Day Seven- Never Holding Back

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I sat up, my back felt like a pencil. I had just washed all my tack, it had caught lots of dust when I couldn't ride Ivey. But today that would all change, I got up and put my saddle on the saddle stand, I looked at Ivey, "today is the day." I walked in her stall and pulled her halter over her long ears. I walked her out to the crossties and took off her bandage, "What!" the cut was gone, how! I brought out her brush box and started to curry her, when I was done I swung her saddle pad onto her back and put it in place, then the half pad, then the saddle, then the girth. I put on her bridle and lead her out to the ring. It was huge, I looked at Ivey, "we can do this, we can do this." I walked Ivey a lap and got on. I squeezed Ivey into a collected trot. Down the long side up the short side, she was calm, I picked up a canter. I half to admit Granger's canter was better than Ivey's, it took me  second to re adjust. I soon remembered her stride, how to sit it. The whole time Ivey didn't trip. I pulled Ivey to a small vertical. I squeezed a foot before the jump, flawless. She soared over the jump just like Granger, I missed Ivey's jumps, sure Granger's stride was like no other but Ivey's jumps stole the show. I guided Ivey to a jump that was a bit bigger. Perfect, I don't know what Jenny did but I need to learn it ASAP!  I ended my lesson with a smile on my face, like I used to before when I was just a little girl learning to trot on a little pony. "I think that's enough for you today, you think?" Ivey shook her head almost like she was saying no. I laughed and lead her to the barn, I turned Ivey out into the field for a bit and watched her trot in circles and swing her head like she was having the time of her life. A few seconds later I felt a hand on my arm, my eyes widedned as the grip got tighter, I whipped my other arm back elbowing them in the stomach, I could feel their hand release my arm, I turned around to find Antonio on the ground, "What the hell is wrong with you! Did me punching you in the throat not go through your tiny brain!" "How dare you speak to me like that!" How dare I! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!!!!! I started to raise my voice, "How dare I?! Look I don't give a damn what you think about me, I am a bad ass and you can count that if you grab me or threaten me, you bet your damn life it's going to come back at you ten times harder, now take you and your tiny brain out of my sight unless you want it popped!" Jesus that felt good! "I just wanted to tell you that you won't be seeing me anymore-" I chuckled sarcasticly and got up in his face with a serious look on my face, "Good." "Nah, I'm to good for this dump, all the jumps are to small, it's a waste of time." Seriously, the one who is the worst one in his lesson and suddenly he's to good! I was boiling by now, "your a waste of time!" "And don't come crawling back when you realize you can't jump a two foot." I let go of the gate and walked away with a grin as big a watermelon on my face, best conversation I've had with that idiot yet! That did releive half of my steam but I was still mad, I jogged over to Mason and Noah's house, I knocked on the door, Noah came to the door with out a shirt on. Some girls would have already passed out by now but as you probably already know, I am not your regular girl. I gave him the stink eye, "this is how you answer the door?" "I could do better." "No kidding!" I laughed, "what do you need?" "You and Mason actually." "Ok me first." "Guess who's leaving?" he was going to say something but paused and started again, "Antonio." I smiled, "bullseye." "Really! Did he get kicked out?" "No, he is apparently," I made a stupid voice, "to good for this dump." "That guy is a nut job," "yea no friggen doubt about that!" he laughed, "Anyways, I need Mason." "K, Mason it's for you!" "Alright!" "See you around Abby." I waved, and Mason came to the door. "Hey Abby, Raya around?" Oh god I wanted to laugh so bad, I come to his door and the first thing he says is something about Raya, these two are insane! "Um no she's at the house." he looked disapointed, "Ok, what's up?" "I'd be happy to take Granger out again if you want." "Oh yea, that would be awesome! I mean if you want." "Oh yea, I would!" "Have at him." "Thanks Mason," "No, thank you." "See ya." "Bye." I ran to the barn and to Granger's stall, he nickered and came to the door, Ashley walked up with a brush kit in her hand, "Oh hey Abby, how are you and Ivey?" "Ah she's good, I rode her today, all good." "That's great, can I be expecting you guys in my lesson soon?" "You bet!" "Good." Ashley looked at Granger bumping me with his nose, "You riding him in the lesson today?" I looked at Granger, I was going to say no but, "Yea I am." "I'd like to see how you handle him." I laughed, and Ashley left, I shot Mason a quick text,

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