Day Three- Friend or Foe

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I was sitting outside of Ivey's stall with Jenny inside, "I'm sorry Abby your going to be out for at least a week and a half, I'm going to give you two some space." Jenny walked out and shut the door, I felt alone, I was alone. I was so mad, fuming no one understood! No one misses a week and a half or this camp and just catches up! I walked over to Ivey's stall seeing her like that made me even more mad She could barely stand up for more than an hour, took an apple from her bucket and twirled it around in my hand and whipped it at the ground, it split right down the middle. I put my hands on my face and wrapped them around the back of my head to my neck and knelt over. I picked up the apple and through it in the garbage. I pulled the door open and walked out and closed it once again I walked back to my house, but it felt like someone was watching me, I don't care I'm probably already know as the girl that has her horse out for almost two weeks. Ok this was getting weird it still felt like someone was watching me, I looked around hm, still no one. I walked inside and hung my coat took off my boots and walked in the kitchen, Raya was sitting on the counter eating strawberries, I was just about to grab one when the door bell rang. I walked to the front and opened the door, "Noah are you doing here!" "What do you think Abby! You won't talk to me you keep ignoring me, you won't even talk to Mason!" I was at a loss for words, does he really think that I would just forgive him, that fast! "Are you kidding me! You are unbelievable, do you really think after you put a gash the size of my hand on my horses leg AND took us out for a week and a half that I would just forgive you! He started to talk again "No, but I want you to talk to me." I had the most disgusted look on my face than I ever have. I shot him the meanest look, "How do you sleep at night!" I slammed the door, I almost broke the hinges. I started to walk away again but then I stopped the door bell rang again! The nerve. I opened it again, and yep it was him again! "Oh I'm sorry did I not slam it hard enough last time!" "Abby please!" "No, Get out of my face!" I had enough, I half lightly half aggressively pushed Noah out on to the front porch and slammed the door. I slid down the door and tears started streaming down my face, I elbowed the door and wiped my tears, I walked back to the kitchen and finally got my strawberries. I looked up at Raya for a split second, she had a smile on her face that was twice as big as usual, "Whats got you so perky?" "Mason asked me to the dance!" Shoot the dance, I forgot. "Hey that's great." "Ok so I heard what happened back there-" I cut her off. "And?" "Well don't you think you were being a little to harsh." I got mad, is she vouching for him? "Really, your one to talk, if Mason had done the same thing to Bella you would have probably already slapped him!" Raya was at a loss for words, so was I. she walked up stairs and I heard her door close, damn it strike two. I felt like a bullet just came and hit me in my shoulder, was Raya right, was I too harsh?


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